the begging of the story

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long time ago the elders of the dark world locked a demon in some mystical necklaces and took his power away from him and gave it to the vampire knight to protect it...but the course was too strong...and controled the vampire knight and made him evil, he locked the elders and took that necklaces from them how ever the elders thought it might happened so created a spell to copy that course power but not as the original they made 4 courses and sended them to a planet named they locked in some necklaces and braclat one of them is the the guy's necklaces named Shin kuzuki ......morning 10:00 . shin " uhhhh damnit...the alarm didnt ringed!!! ugh jeez i rather start go to school even if i always...*sigh* " i woked up didnt had time do any just took my cloths and left meanwhile i was walking i suddenly saw my friend sakura ..." sakura : onii chan ! u always late but ur lucky today no school ! shin " *sighhhh* im lucky.......UGH wait wheres my neckless i forgot to take it ! jeez its my favorite one i dont go out without it...! " sakura : * faceplam * baka as always... " uhh no time gonna take it cya later ! " i run to my house opened the door of my room...suddenly a weird dark light coms from my necklace shin : ugh what the.....! suddenly i saw sakura runs to my room and shout " onii chan u baka! dont run so fast! " i shocked and said " sakura go out! its dangerous here that light.....looks weird....suddenly a demon cam out from my neckless and says " *sigh* so ur my master huh ? i shocked and acted scard..." i have no idea...whats going on here....and i see sakura like shaking from fear.... sunddly the deamon said " well i see ur a coward oh well i should taleport u to that damantion and give u half of my power till u wont improve urself too me...u should learn it by urself but dont worry u wont be alone thers a secret spirt masters who will teach u that course power."....i shocked snd said... c-course power?? wut...the...suddenly the demon said " oh shut up * creats a hole demotion and drops me and sakura into it *.
.....while i fall into the ground the deamon spirt cam into me...i opened my eyes...and saw a new freaky world.... " t-the hell !!? ".....

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