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Silence filled the waiting room that Felix sat at. Eager to see if the cheerleading position would still be open for him to claim. However, not even seconds later, his name was called.

"Felix Lee?"

The freckled boy nodded, confirming his identity.

"About that cheerleading position..." the principal began, "I'd like to offer you a different opportunity."

Felix's eyes widened as he heard this, confusion laced behind his appalled expression.

"A different opportunity?" he questioned.

The principal nodded, reaching into his desk to pull out a document, one that Felix would have to sign an agreement for.

Felix scanned the document. "What's this for?" he asked.

"Well," the principal inhaled before speaking, "we had to fire our previous Volleyball coach due to DUI charges."

What the principal was telling Felix astonished him, and he looked down at the document to scan it more carefully while the principal spoke.

"So what does this have to do with the document?" Felix asked.

The principal sighed and pointed to a portion of the document that read By signing this document you have agreed to be the new volleyball coach for Yongin University.

"I'd like to ask if you want to be the new volleyball coach?" the principal uttered out.

The words were taken from Felix's mouth and he was speechless. He didn't know what to say nor what to do. The principal happened to take note of Felix's sudden silence.

"Now, I understand you may not have experience, are of young age, and planned on being a cheerleader instead of a Volleyball coach." the principal proceeded. "However, nobody else wants to take this job they're assuming that the other players have been influenced by his behavior."

Felix raised his head up at the sound of this. "Influenced? Not to be rude, but that sounds pretty stupid to me."

"I do agree with you." the principal said in a quiet tone. "Are you interested?" he asked.

After hearing what the principal asked, Felix contemplated on the thought and came up with an idea.

"If it's possible for me to be the volleyball coach and cheerleader, than I'll take it." Felix spoke, "I could use whatever money I might receive from this job."

"Splendid! I'll be sure that you get onto the cheer team as soon as possible!" the principal cheered, happy to hear that somebody was finally taking on the position.

Despite the fact that Felix was a student and younger than the boys on the volleyball team, Felix had experience in coaching. Even if it wasn't particularly coaching volleyball, but coaching the cheer team.

However, Felix was aware that coaching a volleyball team wouldn't be the same as coaching the cheerleading team, he still wanted to do this. Not only for the college's sake but also for the boys' sake.

"So, when do I start?"

The principal smiled, "You start tomorrow, you'll meet all the players then and hopefully they accept you."
Bang Chan slammed his locker shut causing Sunwoo to jump.

"You almost gave me a heart attack."

Chan pushed his tongue against the side of his cheek, "You know," he began, "I still don't get why we need to get another coach, Coach Hyeonju was the best."

"Yeah, but it appears he isn't coming back, so we'll have to deal with whoever we get." Lee Know said, slipping his jersey on.

Eric decided to chime in, "Why do you admire Coach Hyeonju so much anyways?"

"Yeah how does he benefit you?" Sunwoo questioned.

Sunwoo's words caused Chan to shoot a glare in his direction, practically burning the gaze through his head.

"You don't know how much he's helped me through," Chan said monotonously, "he'd listen to all of my problems and actually gave me some solid advice." his voice grew more gruff and stern.

The locker room was filled with tension while the boys stayed quiet, not daring to intervene while Chan expressed his frustration with their lack of respect.

"So, before you question Coach Hyeonju," he spat, "maybe learn what he helped others through."

With that being said, Chan slammed his locker shut and stormed out of the locker room, avoiding eye contact with his teammates.

After Chan had left the locker room, the team all exchanged glances between each other. Except Lee Know, who was clearly unfazed by Chan's attitude. Being a friend of Chan's for over six years, he was familiar with Chan's outbursts and knew how to contain himself in the situation. However, Lee Know was also aware that Chan was probably going through a hard time with their former coach leaving.

"He'll come around." Lee Know spoke up, grabbing his bag and also leaving the locker room to catch up with Chan.
"Chan!" Lee Know called out, grabbing onto the older's shoulder when he was in reach.

The older immediately turned around to face Lee Know who was tapping away at his phone.

"You come here to bother me and you're on your phone." Chan sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Oh shut it. What happened back there?" Lee Know asked, placing his phone in his pocket. "You almost had another outburst."

The older glared at him. "You're lucky I didn't."

"You were still close to having one. What's wrong with you?"

Another sigh left Chan's mouth, and he avoided eye contact with Lee Know. "I don't want Coach Hyeonju to be replaced. I doubt that the new coach will be as understanding as he was."

"Chan, just give this new coach a chance. I'm sure they'll be understanding with you too."

The older shook his head in disagreement. "It just won't be the same." he breathed out.

Lee Know pretended to doze off before glaring at Chan, "Chan, you never give people a chance, just give this new coach a chance." he sighed, "You never know unless you get to know the person."

To be honest, Chan didn't like the sound of this idea, nor did he even agree with it. However, Chan knew that Lee Know had a valid point.

"Okay, fine. Let's just hope that this new coach doesn't get on my nerves."

Lee Know gave a small smile, "I highly doubt that whoever they are, will give you any issues."

Once again, Chan sighed, "Well let's just hope that's the case."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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