Mephone x Reader (Hurt/Comfort)

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Requested by @Zbrkka! :D thank you!
I'm really really sorry if this took a while to be written, i have a lot of requests right now :,( It's also a bit shorter than most of my other oneshots, but i promise its just as good :] I promise i'm trying my best to write them all as quick as i can without rushing!
(It's a bit difficult balancing this with all the schoolwork i have but i'm trying- french high schools are terrible)

O/N : object name
Reader is gender neutral ( meaning, they use they/them :] )
This takes place on the second season and reader is on Grand Slams! :p


O/N groaned as they fell face first on the bed in their hotel OJ room. They had just gotten eliminated, and felt terrible. First of all, the challenge went terrible, second of all, it seemed their entire team hated them.
O/N wasn't sure what they did wrong, but it felt unbearably painful. They began crying, muffling their sobs with the pillow, gripping at the blankets with their fists.

O/N did not hear the doorknob turning, and the host of the show himself walk in.
Mephone felt unsure of what to do. He wasn't "empathetic" or "comforting", He was strong and detached. ...Except this was a different case because it was O/N.

He hesitantly approached the crying object, trying to figure out how to react.

"...O/N? I know your team was rude with you, but it's okay. Um..."

"...Why are you here? J-just... sniff... just get out."

Mephone sighed. O/N was always like this, getting annoyed at everything, even at help being offered.

"Don't try to act tough now, O/N. What happened?"

"You were there! You saw what happened a-at the elimination!"

O/N wiped some tears off their cheeks

"I-i'm sorry. I just- i'm not used to being comforted. Sorry."

Mephone said nothing. He sat on the bed next to the other object and pulled them closer.

"...Tell me what happened. Before the elimination, when i wasn't there."

O/N sighed.


"Seriously?! O/N, did you even try at all?"

Nickel scolded, seeming pissed. O/N looked down, holding back tears.

"Sorry. I-i promise i tried, i really did! I just-"

"I don't want to hear any excuses right now. You're getting out tonight, O/N."

A few tears slipped from their eyes at those words.

"What-?! No! Please, please give me another chance! Let's vote for someone else, let's-"

"O/N. Whatever you're about to say, i don't want to hear it. I'll see you at the elimination tonight."


"...And then he just walked away...! sniff... He didn't even let me explain myself...!"

Mephone frowned. He didn't have much experience with comforting people... What was he meant to do? The best he could think of was simply to hug O/N. They just needed a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on right now.

"...I'm really sorry. Hey, don't listen to Nickel, okay? You know how he is... he just wants his silly alliance to win."

"I know...It's gonna be lonely here."

"Hey, you may be out of the game now, but that doesn't mean you're isolated from the others."

Mephone smiled reassuringly, while O/N raised an eyebrow in confusion, staring at the host.

"...How? I don't have a roommate, i don't have any fri-"

"...Yeahh... i was thinking... MePad was saying i should try to get closer to my contestants... so i'll be your roommate."

O/N blinked a few times, but Mephone smirked. This was gonna be an interesting first night here.

610 words

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