Fanmade Trollstopia Episode 6: Rapuz-Laguna

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(Poppy, Laguna, Holly, and Cooper are visiting Rhythm and Blues in Vibe Town.)

Poppy, Laguna, Holly, and Cooper: Hi, R and B!

Rhythm: Hey there, y'all!

Blues: You came here just in time 'cause we're about to show you something!

Holly: What did you create this time? (Rhythm and Blues uncover their invention.)

Rhythm: It's a Hair Grow Machine!

Blues: It can make any Troll's hair longer!

Laguna: Fascinating! A machine to make your hair grow longer!

Poppy: How cool is that?!

Cooper: How does it work?

Rhythm: One of you will sit down, B and I will turn it on, and a helmet lowers onto the edge of your hair.

Blues: (Turning on the machine) And it makes your hair grow longer!

Laguna: Can I go first?

Cooper: Go ahead, Laguna. (Laguna sits in the seat. A helmet lowers onto the edge of her hair and makes it grow longer.)

Poppy: Wow!

Holly: Hot dang! But I'm happy the way my hair is. (Laguna soon sits up.)

Laguna: What do you all think? (We see that her hair is extremely long.)

Rhythm: You look amaze-ba-bonkers, Laguna!

Blues: So beautiful!

Laguna: Thank you!

Poppy: Why don't you test your hair out?

Laguna: Great idea! (Shen tests out her hair and it wraps around a chair.)

All: Wow! Laguna: I can't believe it! My hair can do a lot more things!

Holly: Hot dang! You're gonna do great, Laguna! (Laguna's hair wraps around her.) Aw! Now your hair is huggin' me!

Poppy: Aw! How lovely! (She hugs Laguna's hair. Suddenly, it pushes her away.) Whoa! (She hits a wall.)

Cooper: Poppy! Are you OK?!

Poppy: (Getting up) I'm fine, Cooper. But why did Laguna's hair do that?

Laguna: I don't know why.

Rhythm: I think we'd better cut it.

Blues: Good idea, big sis. (She takes out scissors. Just before they touch Laguna's hair, it hangs out one of the windows of Vibe Town.)

Holly: Whoa!

Poppy: By all that is Troll-y, what happened?!

Blues: I don't know! Her hair just moved and started hanging out the window!

Rhythm: We need to get help. (Outside, Guy Diamond and Gia are walking.)

Guy Diamond: Gia, what a nice day.

Gia: I know, right?

Tiny Diamond: Daddy, I see something from Vibe Town!

Gia: What is it, Tiny? (She and Guy Diamond see Laguna's hair.)

Guy Diamond: What the hair?!

Tiny Diamond: Is that hair?!

Rhythm: Yes! It's Laguna's hair!

Gia: How did it grow so long?!

Blues: We invented a hair growing machine. Can you please climb up it to help?

Guy Diamond: OK, we're on our way! (He, Gia, and Tiny Diamond climb up Laguna's hair and into Vibe Town.)

Tiny Diamond: Hey, Daddy's amphibian friend!

Laguna: My name is Laguna.

Gia: And I'm Gia Grooves. I own a day care.

Holly: How sweet! Now can y'all please help us?

Poppy: We need to cut Laguna's hair.

Cooper: But we must stop it from moving.

Rhythm: Let's do this! (She and the others grab Laguna's hair.)

Blues: And now for the cut! (She cuts Laguna's hair back to its former length.)

Laguna: Phew! Thanks, B.

Blues: You're welcome.

Poppy: At least your hair is back to normal.

Guy Diamond: Nice work, R and B!

Rhythm and Blues: Thanks, Guy! (They and the others cheer.)

Holly: Hot dang!

Poppy: Would you like a new hairstyle instead?

Laguna: Yes! (They go to Maddy's hair salon.)

Cooper: This is so nice! (Laguna shows off her new look.)

All: Ooh!

Fanmade Trollstopia Episode 6: Rapunz-LagunaWhere stories live. Discover now