Science fiction. The planet

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Science fiction. The planet

I have been here for many years now, and I have faint memories of the planet I am from. The Earth.

Here everything is different, right from the sunshine to the darkness of the nights. This planet has two Suns, one giant Moon, gravity is as gentle as that on Earth, and the water bodies abound here; making this an ideal planet for humans to inhabit and thrive on.

You might be thinking that with two Suns this will be a planet as hot as a kiln. But it is not so and there is a logical explanation for this. One of the Suns is very far and its brightness and heat do contribute to the planet's existing atmosphere and physical conditions that exist here. Whereas the second Sun is not that far and the planet mostly depends on its sunshine and heat. So, it is two Suns that work as a blessing for this planet.

This comes with many other advantages as well. The farthest Sun is a very young star and by the time the nearest Sun, that is old, dies and turns into a red giant, making the planet inhabitable due to intense heat. It is assumed by the senior residents of this planet that the planet will turn hotter during the dying days of the primary Sun. Before that happens they would leave the planet and make a base on the Moon and settle there. By the time the planet cools as the red giant turns into a massive cloud of gases and ashes. The planet will begin to cool with the primary Sun dead. The secondary Sun, the farthest one will enter its old age and turn hotter and this will heat up the planet and make the planet habitable once again.

However, with the primary Sun dead, many forces around the planet will change, especially the gravitational and magnetic forces. And this can lead to a shift in the trajectory of the planet. Therefore leading to many possibilities:

Collision with other planets

Moving away from the main solar system

Change in magnetic field making it more prone to radiations

Breaking free from the gravitational tug and becoming a wandering planet to eventually settle in some alien world where it will now be a hostile planet as far as sustaining life is concerned

However, being on the hope's side, most of the senior residents of the planet are optimistic that the planet will retain its trajectory with a slight shift in its position that will better align it with the secondary Sun. And it will now receive maximum exposure from the secondary Sun. Thus becoming an ideal planet to support life.

That is how the community of optimist residents on the planet thinks. Whereas the community of growing pragmatists endorses this theory, but they do not want to leave anything to chance. So they have some brave and future centric plans that they intend to apply before the primary Sun turns too hot and too old.

This community of pragmatists believes it is better by a noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half of the evils we anticipate, than to remain in cowardly listlessness for fear of what may happen. As of today the optimists are mostly relying on what may happen, and somehow always believe that only good will happen. Whereas the pragmatists believe they have the tools, resources and the know-how to say with certainty that this is what will happen!

And when it comes to this they possess amazing resoluteness with an undaunting will to succeed, and if nothing, at least try and fail!

And I guess, a fruit that falls without much shaking is too mellow for a few. A select few that is. And it is this select few who define the world of advancements and technological excellence.

With this optimism they are moving ahead and working on extremely brave projects. And based on what they have discussed here is a gist of just a few:

1- Creating gravitational pathways and highways. It is a highly progressive thought as far as astro physics is concerned and it will redefine interplanetary interactions at several levels and turn humans into architects of the Universe that behaves according to their will, and without violating or disturbing any predefined balance in the Universe. How will they create these gravitational highways, is a secret that cannot be revealed in its totality. And for many good reasons.

2- Finding planets that are dead because they are far from stars that could be their Suns, just like the one on Earth and make life possible. However, there are many ways to free these dead planets from their gravitational locks and make them move on these gravitational highways to the appropriate distance from the stars that could be their Suns of life.

3- In the universe there are star nurseries where stars are born and galaxies are formed. And now these bold pragmatists plan to create planet nurseries, where the planets are moved on the gravitational highways and placed in the trajectory of the ideal solar system. And in due course of time they shall turn habitable. Making them ideal "home planets" for the future generations of humans.

4- Many optimists argue that with humans not even able to travel at the speed of light, how can they even think of forming gravitational highways. But the pragmatists believe that the definition of advancement does not rely on attaining speed of light. Because to travel across cosmos one does not require speed of light, one needs the right pathways that act as wormholes.

But this is a massive project where a lot of calculations and a lot of plotting of the Universe needs to be done, wherein many forces are taken into account. And then worked upon to derive the ideal pathway to move from point A to point B, without expending too much fuel and without any need for speed of light.

It is a project that will redefine astrophysics and space travel. And it shall be a mammoth scale undertaking on part of the community of pragmatists and they are hopeful it will work.

This is the list of few brave ideas that few residents of this planet are working on.

I sometimes look at the cosmos and I see no sign of Earth. But I am sure it is there somewhere. Far, distant and a faint blue dot, at least for me. And as Earth's only Sun is aging I hope the residents of Earth dare to take a few brave steps and redefine space travel if they are to survive the ultimate spell of extreme heat. Which is most likely to happen, but not very soon.

Respecting the old wisdom, it surely makes sense to gather hay while the sun is shining. Because when the Sun is burning and no longer shining, there shall be nothing left, let alone hay.

The community of pragmatists on this planet is brave and visionary. And they know something very special about having faith, "faith must have adequate evidence, else it is mere superstition!" This is why they have already begun their experiments.

I am new on this planet but the feeling of being alive is as original and as primitive as it was on Earth. And this often makes me smile, whenever I look towards the sky, with two Suns and a giant moon. I will soon join the community of pragmatists and then work on gravitational highways, one of my pet projects. Because it is fascinating to think what possibilities it can unlock.

And I have already taken a step in this direction by writing my first science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075. It is a brave scifi, where there are not two Suns or a giant Moon. But there are two lovers, who are fighting to save their dying planet from the climate change and series of changes in climatic conditions that have killed billions of humans and there are very few left now. And few of them have developed adaptations that help them survive the extreme conditions on this overheated planet.

But the two lovers are faced with many other problems that prevent them from emoting like humans. Because they are exposed to self aware machines, and when humans interact with them on an everyday basis, they develop synthetic feelings over the course of time. Slowly making their native feelings and emotions numb. And as lovers it is a greater problem they have to face, but for humanity, it is a problem they cannot run away from if they have to survive as humans on this planet.

Whether they live another day and eventually manage to love each other as humans used to once. Read the science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075. Before you start guessing whether they eventually managed to love like true humans or not, please remember this, "As dreams are the fancies of those that sleep, so fancies are but the dreams of those awake." Now it will be worth reading the scifi romance novel, They Loved in 2075.

Science fiction, They Loved in 2075:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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