Chapter 1| Tough Meeting

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    It was pretty late at night, I was on a call with my friend, she was blabbering about something.. as I was more focused on where I was driving, until I heard a thump and my car had the sudden movement of going on a speed bump. Except there weren't any speed bumps around.

"Woah, hold up Rey. I think I just hit something." I slow down my car, eventually stopping completely. I grab my phone and turn on its flash, getting out of my car and walk back into the darkness I had passed.

"What is it? What'd you hit?" Rey asked concerned through the phone. I looked around and heard something groaning and grunting. I then proceeded to walk slower and then lit up a black figure, I crouched and noticed it looked like fur, did I hit an animal? I then realized that the thing had gone silent, I could see it breathing still, I used my flash and looked around and I saw a big cat..? I don't know what I should say, should I even try to touch it?

"Hello? Are you okay there buddy?" I timidly asked, I then heard a slow growl. It glared at me slowly, I tumbled back in shock, oh god..this isn't a person or an animal..or is it? I thought to myself as I watched the thing turn around and hissed, it limped trying to defend itself. The poor thing, though I clearly don't know what it is, I should try to help it. I get up and run to my car Grabbing a blanket that I conveniently have. I leave my phone in the car, running back to the cat thing as I hear Rey speaking through the phone. I don't know what she said but this thing is the only thing on my mind right now. As I slowly approached it, it hissed, I saw the shine in its eyes which thankfully the moon was bright enough to slightly see. I crouched slowly as I pulled the blanket open and looked at it in the eyes.

"Hey buddy, I'm not going to hurt you..can you just-" I then mustered the courage to snatch the creature into the blanket as I heard it yowl and hiss, it was squirming to get out my grasp, but boy was this thing heavy. I tried my best to carry it to the car, opening the door to the passenger seat. I sat the creature on the seat and buckled it up, making its hands tucked in the blanket, so it wouldn't try anything. As I buckled it, I heard it hiss, I looked up and I finally got a better look at it. It had a cartoon-ish ideal look to it, a feline with a human looking body, which technically wasn't a human body..I looked back down and tucked its tail in the car making sure it would get stuck in the door. As I close it, I hear Rey speaking again. I go to the other side of the car and get in.

"Y/N, what did you find? Hello?" Rey kept asking, I put on my buckle and sighed, looking back at the feline.

"I don't know, but it's some kind of cat alien thing..." I look back to the wheel and I put my hands on it, driving home.

"What do you mean by an alien? What does it look like? Well, besides..what did you say? A cat?" Rey continues on. I grew irritated as the time passed, it was very late and I guess I ran over a monster. I was tired and I just wanted to go home. I felt eyes on's probably the cat, they're probably looking at me. Though it feels strange to have the feeling I'm being watched, it kinda makes sense, since I have this thing with me. I continue to have a conversation with Rey as I finally get to my house, I park my car and end the call with Rey, saying goodnight, I take a few minutes thinking what happened tonight. I looked over to the cat and it's just staring. I guess it realized I was looking back and it looked away. I sighed and unbuckled myself as I exited the car and went to the other side to get the creature. As I opened the door, It immediately hissed at me, at this point I just wanted to go inside and sleep, but I have to let this thing in my home...not knowing what it'll do, I unbuckled it and attempted to drag it out, which failed, I tried a few more times, god this cat was heavy, I finally managed to lift it up and carry it. Closing the door and walking with the cat in my arms which hurt a lot. I somehow managed to unlock my door, walking into my house and closing my door behind me, turning on the lights.

I walk over to the couch and seat the feline on it and give it some pats, which it attempted to bite me. I take a long sigh as I go to the bathroom to look for some bandages, if I had any. Coming out of the bathroom, I saw it looking around, it looked curious. I walked over to them and took off their blanket which it did not seem to appreciate. I looked around its body to see what I needed to bandage, I saw that there's blood around its chest so I pressed around the chest to see where to bandage. I guess I found the spot because they flinched. I take the bandage roll and wrap it around the wound and around. I'm honestly surprised how this strange creature is letting me help it instead of maybe trying to kill me, because that's what it looks like what it would do, and I guess it would be fair. When I finished bandaging it, I stood up and looked for ice in the freezer. I'm not much of a medical person or anyone who has knowledge of this sort of stuff, I'm just guessing. I walked back to the cat and gently placed the ice where it's bleeding from, they gasped and scooted away from me. I ended up having to pin them down as it struggled to get away from the ice. I chuckled a bit and smiled softly. "Hey, I'm trying to help you." I reassured it, which I don't really think it knew, it tilted its head as soon as I said that, sort of giving me a look. It gripped onto my arm that was holding the ice on the wound and continued to hold onto my arm. A purr followed as it looked tired, I took off the ice and put the blanket on the cat as it looked up at me as I stood up and went to the kitchen to put the ice pack in the sink.

"I'll take care of that for you-" I walk back to the living room where it still is laying down, I sigh and walk to the light switch. "You go to sleep, we'll figure this out tomorrow, er uh- later.." I turn off the lights and I walk to my room as I leave my door a little open. I change into a long shirt and change into shorts, I crawl onto bed and I drift off to sleep. The last thing I hear is a heavy sigh.

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