Chapter 29 The stars

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Echidna transformed from a serpent to a human woman, she was on her way to hunt another antoin, it was capable to see one's future and outcome and is able to tell where to find hidden treasures and power. this way she can prove to her 'husband' that she is still useful to him and is worth being loved.

growing up she never really had parents or someone to love her until she met her supposed 'husband', now her goal was to show him that she is worthy to be recognized as his wife. but what she didn't know is that someone else will show her what meant to be loved.

Third person's POV

Max was sailing across the ocean and didn't find any land yet. *sigh* truly a hassle.

Anya: this is why you should have brought a map with you.

Max: I have no objections.

that is when your crab friend showed up.

Crab: Hi Max, umm. . .

Max: yes mr. crabs.

Crab: my owner found me and she wants to consult with you. below this ocean I mean.

Max: you're joking, right?

Mr. crab's then made himself bigger and dragged you along with him. you struggled to breath as both of you went deeper and deeper.


Anya: hmm? eh, he'll be just fine.

Anya was just watching Demon slayers.

back to the present

the crab then placed a spell on your forehead and you gasped. how is it possible for you to breath underwater!? you thought.

Crab: welcome to Seatopia, homes of many sea creatures and sea-deities. also the sea goddess.

then suddenly trumpets were heard and many sea creatures gathered to see the festival.

Crab: if you are wondering what's gonna happen, it's because it's the time of a new festival.

Max: new festival?

then suddenly a bright shining light erupted from below, and showed a very beautiful woman along with her entourage.

Max: who's she?

Crab: tell me your joking. ARE YOU NOT!?

you shake your head and the crab almost exploded his crab brain.

Crab: she is, the Goddess Fei aka the Goddess of the sea's.

Max: oh so- wait what?

Crab: Correction, she rules the Ocean. famous for her beauty, power and not to mention high authority in High Mount Olympus.

Max: w-wait what about Poseidon!?

Crab: oh the so called God? well he was overthrown by his own daughter the queen herself, she saw how much of a scumbag of a husband and father he was to everyone not to mention Zeus too. she created a plan to overthrow the king, Zeus of course went lusting after her but she ran away and successfully didn't get caught by him.

Max's mind and Anya: we both agree on Zeus being a scumbag and Poseidon is no different from him.

Max: wait what happened to the former queen then?

Crab: well, she's still alive and well but-

as if on cue, the mother of the queen herself appeared with a very enchanting entrance.

Amphitrite: I welcome everyone to the festival, this festival will only be celebrated once every 100 years.

Fei: we decided to celebrate the defeat of my 'father' the former ruler of the sea, and a womanizer. today we enjoy ourselves from my 'father's' rule.

every sea creature erupted in screams and tears of joy. (bubbles in fact)

every creature went inside the palace as well as Amphitrite and Fei who went first. as you both went inside, the place was full of shining shells and treasure as well as gifts. as the queen was greeted each with new suitors. and the queen herself accepted them with no romantic feeling or whatsoever.

Crab: in here.

you both went inside a secret tunnel and then arrived at a royal room.

Max's mind: I feel so poor.

Anya: yet you are rich but cheapppppppp.

Max's mind: Shut up, there are things better to buy than things you don't need in the FUTURE.

Crab: wait here.

you sat as you waited for Mr. Crabs to come back. you thought is this really okay for a mere human like me to sit in this kind of room?

someone opened the door and you thought Mr. Crabs was back. but boy you were wrong.

Max: uhh, I'm definitely not robbing, your umm liege?

she just looked at you with a mesmerized face.

???: you're eyes.

Max: huh?

she should be asking you questions and ramble. yet she is here saying your eyes are whatever.

???: you remind me of the stars and someone I-I can't remember.

she placed her hands on her head and when she finally realized, she went up to you and cupped your face making you blush.

Max: Uum, What are you doing!?

???: is it really you?

Max: whoever that is, It's not me you must be mistaken me for someone else.

you grabbed her hands and pulled them down.

???: No! those eyes and hair, are exactly the same.

she hugged you by the waist causing you to fall by surprise causing you both to fall down on the couch. in a very interesting position. your leg's are in between her legs while she looked at you with pure emotion.

Crab: Max I'm back-

Crabs just looked at you both with dotted eyes.

Crab: wrong room.


???: Crabs.

Crab: yes my queen.

???: I'm no longer the queen crabs, I'm now just former queen Amphitrite. and your name is Max isn't it.

Max: y-yes.

Amphitrite: and you are going to be my next knight

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