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"Hey! I forgot to click the picture!" Aanya yelled at Kai, her frustration evident.

Kai couldn't resist a playful smirk as he replied, "Oh? You were the one who was hurrying, my lady." He winked at her, enjoying getting under her skin.

"Stop it, just with those cheesy nicknames!" Aanya retorted with annoyance, her foot stomping in irritation.

With determination, Aanya grabbed Kai's hand and briskly dragged him back towards the fountain. Amidst all the teasing and banter, they had genuinely forgotten about their mission – taking pictures.

Upon reaching the fountain, Aanya shot Kai a defiant glare, ready for his next round of teasing. She knew it was coming. "Come," she blurted, and without further ado, Kai stood beside her, snatching her phone from her hand.

"Tsk. You're way too short to reach my height," Kai remarked, a mischievous glint in his eyes, intentionally provoking Aanya.

Kai held the phone up and expertly captured a selfie. Then, to Aanya's surprise, he smoothly wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer, and clicked another picture, their faces in close proximity.

"Done?" Aanya asked, taking her phone back from him, their proximity causing her heart to race. They continued their exploration of Las Vegas, a newfound closeness lingering in the air between them.

As Aanya and Kai strolled along the bustling streets of Las Vegas, the neon lights and lively atmosphere surrounded them. Aanya couldn't help but be captivated by the vibrant cityscape, but she knew that with Kai by her side, there would be no shortage of teasing and banter.

Kai, true to form, couldn't resist the opportunity to poke fun at her. "You know, you look like you're about to get lost in this city. Should I tie a string to your wrist just in case?"

Aanya rolled her eyes, refusing to rise to the bait. "Ha-ha, very funny, Kai. I can handle myself."

Kai chuckled and nudged her shoulder playfully. "Of course, you can. But you know, it wouldn't hurt to have your own personal tour guide."

Aanya couldn't help but smile, despite herself. As much as Kai's teasing annoyed her, she secretly enjoyed their playful banter. She nudged him back. "Well, if I ever need one, I'll let you know."

As they continued their walk, their shoulders occasionally brushed against each other, creating small sparks of connection that neither of them could deny. The vibrant energy of Las Vegas seemed to amplify the unspoken chemistry between them, making it impossible to ignore the growing attraction.

Kai, always the provocateur, leaned in slightly and whispered, "You know, this city never sleeps. It's as if it's trying to keep up with your energy."

Aanya's cheeks flushed at his words, and she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest. She cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure. "Well, I guess I'm just too much for even Las Vegas to handle."

Kai grinned, and for a moment, the teasing facade fell away, leaving behind a genuine warmth in his eyes. "That's what makes you so special."

As they continued their walk through the dazzling streets of Las Vegas, the playful banter persisted, but beneath it all, an undeniable connection grew stronger with each passing moment, leaving both Aanya and Kai wondering if there was more to their relationship than just teasing and annoyance.

"God, I'm tired," Aanya blurted as she plopped down onto a nearby bench in the tranquil park. The moonlight illuminated the night, casting a serene atmosphere around them. Without hesitation, Kai sat down beside her, draping one arm across the backrest.

"We did a lot, didn't we?" Kai commented, stretching his neck.

"Hmm," Aanya hummed, and a peaceful, unspoken connection blossomed between them. For Aanya, this was an unexpected sense of serenity. She never thought that Kai could be this soft, this... human. It was a side of him she hadn't seen before.

"What's on your mind?" Kai asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. He hadn't intended to ask, but he did it anyway.

"Huh?" Aanya snapped out of her reverie, her gaze still locked onto the moon. "Nothing."

Kai sighed, reflecting on the dynamics between him and Aanya. Despite their constant teasing, the way he always seemed to push her buttons, and the countless times he had witnessed her losing her temper, he couldn't deny the undeniable truth. Deep down, beneath all the banter and sarcasm, he knew that she held a special place in his heart—one that no one else could occupy. It was a place he hadn't realized existed until he met her, a place that defied explanation or understanding, but it was there, growing stronger with each passing day.

"Kai?" Aanya called his name, still gazing at the moon.

"Hmm?" Kai turned to face her, resting one leg on the bench, leaning closer to her.

Aanya cast her eyes downward. She had been holding back her words since their journey began, but now, she felt compelled to speak.

"Do you remember... something?" Her voice carried a hint of hesitation, a stark contrast to her usual straightforwardness.

"Remember... something?" Kai repeated, puzzled.

Aanya had been telling herself to refrain from further discussion, but she couldn't hold back any longer.

"Do you remember five-year-old Aanya... in Russia?" She finally met Kai's gaze.

Kai's eyes widened, taken aback by the question. Of all the things she could have asked, she chose this.

"Do you?" Aanya pressed.

"I..." Kai faltered, unable to find the right words. He had so much he wanted to say, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to say them. He didn't even know why.

"I d-" Before Kai could continue, a voice interrupted them.

"AANYA! KAI! OVER HERE!" It was Ray, Max, Tyson, and Kenny.

Aanya's gaze snapped up, her attention drawn to the rest of the team. Kai remained speechless.

"Let's go. It's over for today, Kai," Aanya sighed, standing up. She hadn't received the answer she sought from him.

"I will surely answer you, sooner or later, but I will," Kai silently vowed to himself as he reluctantly tore his gaze away from Aanya and joined the rest of the team. His inner turmoil remained hidden, locked away behind a stoic exterior, yet the promise he made to himself echoed loudly in his heart, a testament to the profound impact Aanya had on him. He knew that someday, he would find the courage and the right moment to address the question she had asked, one that had unexpectedly unearthed memories he had long buried. Until then, he carried the weight of that unspoken truth, silently determined to confront it in the future.

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐍' 𝐈𝐂𝐄, kai hiwatariWhere stories live. Discover now