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Chapter one

Fear,terrible fear,I haven't gone outside since I was 7 because of the fang dogs,a huge mutated pack of dogs that are as big as a lion. There is more then I can count stalking outside. No one i mean no one goes outside, but if they do, they never come back. There is one person that came back once. His name was Leonard Dubai,and he told the scariest story. If you went out there the fang dogs would find you quickly and you would never know you we're being stalked,and BOOM they would be on you. We all jumped at this part. Oh sorry hi, Im Tora gangda a 10 year old girl. We only know how the dogs started and this was because of a mad scientist who would work on dogs and it was terrible. My father died when I was 4 from a disease so I don't remember him much. He was a business man I know that part,my mom doesn't talk about him much,it makes her sad. So I don't ask about him a lot. He left me a letter before he died and it said I'm sorry that I'm so sick and everything,it was boring. I have blonde hair and pale skin from never being in the sun for 3 years. I have a baby brother who is 3 years old,and my mom is 34 years old. I have opened the window a couple of times but was usually to scared to keep it open for a while. I have a secrete no one knows about. I have a secrete group that studies the mutant dogs. It turns out they never really kill the people but bring them somewhere unknown,and we planned to find out. We were planning something know one has thought of till now. We were going to find the mutant dog weakness...

It was my turn to spy from the tree right next to my house,it was well hidden and Barely any sun got through. It was built by are secrete team,me, Anita,Anita is nice but she is very strong,Jolie,Jolie is a boy that is very smart,he is are brains,and I am the strategy,and spy of the group. Right now two dogs were patrolling the houses,one was dark black and the others was red and tan and orange. They both had red collars that looked brand new,I didn't understand that. Then the black dog did a something between a growl,and bark. The other dog tackled the black one and started a fight,this was not very common. I watched intently,they started fighting on there hind legs like humans,that's odd I thought. Then I noticed the foot,it was a human looking foot. The dogs had human feet. The red and tan one won,and the black limped slowly into the woods. It made me feel like I had just found something important when I dropped my book and it fell to the ground 2 leaps away from the dog. Oh no I thought. The dog looked at the book and started walking forward toward the book. Then it looked up...

I stayed perfectly still,it started sniffing the air and let out a howl,6 more dogs came out of the woods. I new this wasn't going to end well. The dogs circled my tree sniffing,and one picked up my book and carried it into the woods. Then one dog howled and looked up. It looked right at me... I screamed I couldn't help it,and that's when a huge black and gray dog stepped out of the woods... It was twice the size of the other ones. It ran full tilt at my tree. And it jumped and that's when I saw its feet,or were they hands,human hands. I started climbing higher up the tree right when he nearly grabbed my foot. I climbed when I slipped...

I fell on top of the branch I was just on when it grabbed me. It took my hand and yanked me out of the tree,I screamed. The dog then stood over me as the other dogs came toward me,the big gray and black one then grabbed my feet and started pulling me to the woods,the other dogs followed,I was doomed...

We went pretty far when a little shack came into view,it was odd. Smoke was coming out of the chimney,when I thought they were bringing me there they turned and went a different direction,a cave came into view,a dark cave. The dogs brought me into it and I saw cages,with people and deformed people,and dogs,and deformed dogs,I was scared really scared. I was pushed into a cave by a yellow dog that was mutant as well. This dog was the only one with the slightest bit of kindness,I licked my hands,and then it walked away. I thought this was odd because mutant dogs were evil or so I thought...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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