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[Disclaimer: No hate on any of the idols. No shippings of the idols in real life and no hate on any of the idols mentioned here. This is just my imagination and my work so please just enjoy reading this and don't post any hate comments here.]

-Thank you,
Author unknown

Author's Pov:

It's been almost a week since that incident... They have been dating openly... but still Y/N have been a little shy to expose her relationship with him to her friends... She thinks that people might judge her, Especially when she is from another country...

Currently she is in the locker room of her university as it's a break time and she is taking out her Jersey... Yeah, she's been playing basketball since Yoongi has been forcing her to play it today with him in his team...
She changed her clothes and went out of the locker room...

She came out of the locker room and was about to walk ahead when she bumped into someone...

"Yah! Can't you see and walk properly!?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you coming actually..."
"You didn't see me or you just wanted to walk into me cause you need some attention from me, huh, little baby!?"
"Wait, what! Excuse me! I already said sorry and I really didn't saw you were coming here... I'm not someone who would like to walk into someone like you to get attention... So please move aside I'm getting late..."
"Oh come on... Just accept the fact that you just came to me for attention... I know, that bitches like you just walk into rich and beautiful girls just for attention and money..."
"Excuse me please! You're crossing your limits now... And it's not me but you who's a bitch here... I was literally just minding my business and you just bumped into me, just for getting attention which you may have not got from the morning... And also to freaking waste my time... Now kindly move aside or else I may seem innocent and kind but I also know 'desi dhobi pachad'... Got it! Now move! Idiot!"

She said and walked away leaving a burning coal behind...
"Yah! Irene why did you leave her like that... You must have taught her a lesson right?" A minion of the girl named Irene asked...

"Sure... I'll surely teach her a lesson... She don't know with whom she have messed up... Bitch... Just wait and watch what Irene do to you... Get ready!"
She said to her minions and was about to walk away...
"Hey, Irene why to waste time on her right... She must be new that's why she must have done like that... Just leave her right... Why to do bad things to her... I mean it will creat a bad impact on us right... And also she said that she know some dhobi something... I can guess it's a fight move here..." Girl 2 said to Irene... Kinda scared and worried...

"Hey, why!? Are you scared by her or now are you taking her side... Huh? Do you feel worry for her, huh? Then go to her and don't come to me..."
"No no, it's not like that... It's you who is right and I'm wrong..."
"Hm... Better! Let's go..."

At match.
Y/N's Pov:

Here I came on the match ground and went to a seat to tie up my hair into a comfy pony to play smoothly... Yk...
As I was doing that I felt a pair of eyes on me... I turned around to see who is that... I saw Namjoon staring at me... Our eyes met and he stared at me for a minute and then suddenly smiled and waved at me... I took it as a friendly gesture and did the same back.
I tied my hair up and went to my position...
Basketball has always been my favorite sport and also my hobby to play... I really like to play it... But I was out of practice many years so right now I was kinda nervous as it was my first time playing it after so many years'  break...

I was in my thoughts when suddenly voice behind me said...
" I know it's your first time... But it's okay... Don't be afraid and relax... Cause only if you feel relaxed and confident, you can play it better... Okay?"
"Oh Namjoon, that's so kind of you. Thank you for encouraging me... I'll play it even better now..."
"Well, no need of thanks. But if you want to thank me then, call me just Joon or Joonie... Don't be formal to me... And let's be friends..."
"Of course why not Joon..."
I smiled at him until I heard someone coughed behind me...
I turned around to see Yoongi standing there with his poker face again... Here we go~ he's jealous again... But how can he be jealous by his best friend though... Aish!

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