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All characters and canon storylines belong to Kafka Asagiri.

Today was a big day. A live premiere. Of what must you ask? The official BUNGO STRAY DOGS cast and overview. It's to be made into a series directly from the books into a more visual series.
The premier will last a whole day. Every main character, side character,extras will all be there. Each character is named in the cast. Each actor even holds the name of the character they are made to play.  There may be an anime but a live action is always an open gate.

"HELLO AUDIENCE! I SHALL BE TODAYS HOST! Though most of the word will be about the cast!" The host shouts slowly into the mice. 

"WE SHALL INTRODUCE THE CAST. I SHALL CALL THEM BY THE NAMES OF THE ORGANIZATIONS THEY ARE IN" They have read the manga version all to the end of the Decay of Angles  Arc. For now that is where Kafka Asagiri has updated. It's a hit show! It has grabbed and made a large fandom with a variety of people.

"LETS WELCOME IN THE ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY!" As she ends he sentance its followed by a parade of loud cheering and clapping It's almost deafening. And on cue the curtain opens revealing the whole agency. With the Main character Atsushi Nakajima standing in the center. Everyone in their character dressing.

"YES CHEERS FOR THEM! NEXT SHALL BE THE UNDERGROUND RULERS THE PORT MAFIA!" If anything the cheers got louder with various names being shouted out. The curtain opens showing the underground group and the strongest rivals to the agency. according to the plot. Mori Ougai stands tall with both hands behind his back with workers on either side in order of title

"WHAT A STRONG HOLD! FOLLOWING IS OUR AMERICAN GROUP THE GUILD" An eagle sound joined by an american flag fallen behind the crew with their leader, Francis Fitzgerald standing at the front. with another group of squeals. The host smiles clapping alongside the audience with adrenaline running all around from how many people have come.

"GREAT ENTHUSIASM FOLKS! WE NOW WELCOME THE SPECIAL ABILITY DEPARTMENT THAT HOLDS A VERY FITTING PLACE IN THE PLOT!" The crowd follows shouting the names of the ones that stand out more. The curtains open with the members all posing alongside prop guns and cuffs. standing at the front is Ango Sakaguchi who has quite a history in the plot.

"NOW DEAR AUDIENCE WE WELCOME THE SCHEMING FEW FROM THE CANNIABLISM ARC THE RATS IN THE HOUSE OF DEAD" They all appear from the open curtains with each standing with Fyodor at the front eyes closed and poised pose. The rest posing in a way that is unique to their character. An apple in fyodors hand also hinting about the dead apple movie. Although his actors place is temporary as we both know which organisation he really is in.

"NOW WE GET INTO THE MOST ACTION-ED GROUP THE HUNTING DOGS" Many scream knowing Jounos..Condition. But proceed to cheer them on as they really moved the plot. Even if it was and will be a team effort always. Fukuchi stands tall knowing well where he'll be next. Tachihara had moved forom the port's display to this one standing turned around yet showing half his face. Teruko standing in front of Fukuchi. Gotta admit her stunts were well played. (shhh)

"LASTLY WE HAVE THE FINAL(?) ARC THE DECAY OF ANGLES!" The crowd can be seen amazed by the quick movements of Fyodor. Unnoticed. After all he is a great actor. Kamui also known as Fukuchi is shown as a figure dressed as a silouhette with a pose that has a finger on his lips. 

"WELL MY AMAZING AUDIENCE THIS SHALL BE YOUR CAST! THE LIVE ACTION SHALL BE RELEASED ON THE 4TH OF APRIL" The audience silent at the start with many flashes from recording phones then re-cheering after the date was said.

"Now my friends i have a bucket of questions from fans. They could even be one of you!" The hostess holds up a fishbowl filled with papers. The whole cast has been seated. "These questions are a mixture of many things. set questions, feelings towards their roles, silly questions you name it folks!" The audience cheers in anticipation. The hostess places the mic on the stand before placing the bowl on a table clothed in a read satin fabric. she reaches her hand inside the bowl with the crowd waiting. "Aaannnnddd the question we got is for....The port mafia" The crowd cheers as the port mafia actors and actresses look at each other with a smile on their faces. "My friends its a very simple question! Your favorite arc. Now lets pick from the other bowls and see which member answers first!" The crowd laughs after the lights spotlight 7 bowls full of names label-ed after an organisation. The hostess swiftly moves to the ports bowl then putting her gloved hand inside flicking through papers as the audience waits in a hushed silence.  The hostess smiles at the very active crowd and then grabs a paper and holds it between her index and middle up in the air. "All right IT IS Sakunosuke Oda!"Lots of cheers and screams follow as Oda is a character that got the right amount of attention and has quite the unspoken impact. Well his actor stands and waves slowly with a gentle quick smile. "Well Mr sakunosuke whats your favourite arc from the manga" The hostess says "My favourite arc is the Dark era and Cannibalism arcs. I'd say it's because of the quick insight of what Dazai and Fyodor are capable of even though most is shown later" He finishes and this gets smiles from the rest of the crew and small chuckles from Dazai and Fyodors actors. And the Crowd giggles at the response. After that some of the port's actors talk amongst themselves chuckling here and there. "Alright! Next Group!" She goes to the bowl that holds organisations and picks a group. "This time it is Decay of angels!" The familiar but always exiting cheer from the crowd picks up. As the hostess moves down to the bowl with the correct sticker then dips her hand and gets a character. Before opening it she then picks a question. "Alright our character iiiiissssss BRAM STOKER!!" He stands with a emotionless face which turns into a small quick chuckle then turns to face the hostess. "Mr Stoker what is your favourite part which you've read about your character!" Cheers. "My favourite scene is when Aya makes Bram listen to music for the first time and where Bram get's his legs back." While he says this Aya's actress giggles and a few members from the crews including Brams have their own giggles. After all this is the first premier and these actors and actresses have known each other for a while. some even have friendships that the plot would make seem impossible.

Hours later they went through about 10-20 rounds with multiple people answering the smae question for different insights. Most of the crew got to answer questions or say their own little funny comments that catch the audience of guard. Like it is not everyday you'll hear Mori ougai say  'if Mori wore shorter hair with no hair tie and became anaemic he could almost cosplay fyodor'. Wait. is that funny tho? But mori and fyodor do look like the same person if you didn't have 20/20 vision. or if you just looked at bsd. Unless you count nikolai laying on the floor with Dazai funny. Or the laughing session both Dazai and Fyodor had. They are such good friends.

After the show the main few actors and actresses stood outside on small stadiums to bid adieu to some of the fans. Signing autographs, posing for pictures, got gifts for themselves and for members who were not present,got many compliments (all kinds) and finally was told theories on furthur chapter which were quite creative.

Most of the cast who were either very lacking screen time or extras went home as the hotels were for main casts, antagonists and main sides. Bacically all the organisation's people who are most recognised. And the hostess would be back to record the Behind the scenes of the  other bits the Cast do. Photoshoots and friendships or relationships that could be found.

All in all this was a very successful premier and there is lots to come.

After all, The show must go on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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