| Chapter 01-01 |

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It hit just barely dawn, the sun coming up.
Stiles suddenly jolted up, cold sweat ran down his face. He felt tears stream down his face, he wiped them up before sitting on the side of his bed. "Nightmares again. I really need to stop staying up too.." Stiles stood up, walking to his closet taking his clothes out to get ready.

[Little later]

Stiles went downstairs, seeing nothing had been moved. This was the fifth night in a row that his father Sheriff Stilinski had not come home. He was worried but he pushed that away as he went to the kitchen grabbing his Adderall from the cabinet and dry swallowed his pills, not even bothering to grab water. "Now for breakfast.." he thought, as he shoved his Adderall into his backpack on the chair. Stiles then grabbed some bread for some toast as he wasn't too hungry, because he knew it would hold him over till lunch.
Stiles was honestly just so tired he didn't even want to leave. But he knew Scott his best friend would be at school along with the rest of his friends. He didn't even finish his toast before grabbing his bag and grabbing his keys and heading out the door, locking it behind him.
Stiles got into his car and started driving to school, he just let muscle memory take over as he started to have flashbacks from when he wasn't in control of his body. Even if it was basically weeks after that whole ordeal was done, Stiles felt like it was his own fault that he even could let the Nogitsune do that to his friends.

He soon remembered something and drove into a parking lot and parked his car in the closest spot of where he was going to go.
He got out of the car and walked down the walkway, going into the only shop that was open.
The shop looked like a smaller antique shop, but they had bottles full of strange liquids filling the shelves. Various bottles labeled with "Wolvesbane" "Stinging Nettle" "Fox glove".
More of them were filled with herbs. (If anyone wants a Bit of the names of herbs, poisons and such I'd be happy to do so since I want to write the names)
Stiles walked over to the person at a desk in the corner of the room.
"Can I get my order?" Stiles asked politely, in a whisper. He knew the person that owned it well and regularly ordered specific stuff from them.
"Of course kid." The guy answered in a warm tone. He got up from his chair and went into the back.
Stiles just looked around as he waited, knowing that it'll take a minute.
The shop seemed small but in reality there were more rooms, he just chose not to wander too far. He knew that he'd get lost, even if the rooms weren't big. They always ended up feeling bigger and more disorienting to navigate through, maybe that's what the charm of the shop is.
Stiles soon heard the man come back into the room. He walked over and saw the wooden crate, he had ordered twelve ounce bottles with a bright yellow liquid in them.
"Thank you." Stiles smiled. Picking up the crate and bringing it with him to his car.
"You're welcome. And come back if you need anything kid." The person waved as Stiles left the shop.

Stiles made it back to his car, putting the bottles into a compartment in the back of his Blue Jeep. He arranged it carefully, of course smartly hiding the bottles under some items.
He then walked and sat down back in his car. He sat there quietly for a moment before starting the car.
Later on as he's actually getting to the school and parking he remembered something.
"Oh yeah. Four day weekend, starting tomorrow. And everyone will be hanging out at the loft later today." Stiles got out of his car and locked it before going into the school.

[Time Skip because the school day is long]

Stiles had finally gotten out of detention, seeing Scott waiting at his car.
"Hey Stiles. You ready to go over?" Scott was standing by Stiles' car, waiting for his friend that usually gets in trouble and has detention.
"Yup I am!" Stiles got into his car and let Scott get in. "Oh yeah also I have to drop something off at my house before we head to the loft if you don't mind?" Stiles started the car, waiting for an answer from Scott.
"Sure Stiles. Just let me text Kira and Lydia that we'll probably be late." Scott took out his phone and started texting Lydia and Kira.
Soon Stiles pulled into his driveway, getting out and grabbing the crate and heading inside.
Scott had noticed the wooden crate in Stiles' hands, not being able to tell what the contents were though.

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