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A/n: I really need to fix my schedule 😭😭...

But anyways, I need to ask you guys this...

Some people have questioned me if Kaiser is going to be in the harem, some thinking he shouldn't because he cheated. So, would you guys like him to be apart of the harem?

If so, I can easily fix up a storyline for Kaiser, but idm Kaiser being in the harem or not, its up to you guys 😋.




So...they ended up playing spotlight for around, 2 hours estimation. They all ended up sleeping at around 12am, which was a pretty dumb idea considering they need to wake up early.

Though, Isagi and Rin were the first to wake up. It was around 5 in the morning, they weren't woken by an alarm or anything, they just happened to wake up. Isagi was up first though, for around 20 minutes just on his phone.

As much as Isagi would have loved to sleep more, it was one of those moments where you just wake up, and are wide awake for no apparent reason, the same goes for Rin.

Isagi sighed as he slowly sat up on his bed looking to his side to see others still passed out. Isagi quietly jumped down from the top bunk and walked past a few beds before stopping his tracks when he heard Rin's voice.

"What're you doing?" Rin questioned, his tone of voice like a low mumble as he sat himself up on his bed staring at Isagi expecting an answer.

Isagi returned the stare and, he himself had no idea what he was doing, he was basically just going for a walk out of boredom.

"Probably just for a walk, nothing more. Why?" Isagi asked, his head tilted to the side.

"Mind if I tag along?" Rin said as Isagi shook his head so Rin got out of his bed and fixed his hair a little bit.

The 2 of them walked out of the cabin, Rin shutting the door behind the both of them before they walked out onto the footpath. The chilly morning air was comforting for Rin.

It was rather silent as the 2 walked, Rin had some stuff on his mind he would like to say, but didn't exactly know how to put everything into an understandable sentence.

"Hey, gotta question." Isagi said, suddenly speaking up.

Rin gave a hum as a response, to let Isagi know he was listening and willing to answer his question.

"What do you tell your brother? He asked me if we were dating last night." Isagi explained as he looked off into the foggy air surroundings of the campus.

Rin was silent, he barely ever talked to his brother, because he never has the chance to do so...nor does his brother want to talk to Rin anyways. Rin released a soft sigh, his breath visible from the cold air.

"I never said anything." Rin shrugged.

Isagi just nodded in response, not pushing on the matter.

Rin suddenly came to a stop which caught Isagi's attention as he turned around slightly, glancing at Rin confused. They weren't that far away from each other at all.

"You...okay?" Isagi questioned, his tone of voice confused...and cornered at the same time.

Rin nodded with a small hum as he then reached his arm out and made contact with Isagi and quickly pulled him into a loose yet warm embrace. Rin had his arms around Isagi as his head buried onto Isagi's shoulder.

Isagi was full of even more confusion but said nothing as he somewhat let the hug happen. Isagi sighed as he brought his arms up and wrapped them around Rin in return.

"I have a question." Rin said, his voice muffled slightly due to his head resting on Isagi's shoulder.

"And what's the question?" Isagi responded.

"...are you really only interested in Nagi...have I never sparked your interest?" Rin asked, his voice was very calculated, as if he made sure to choose the right words to make sure he didn't offend anyone.

Isagi was taken by surprise when he heard this...not having a response to his question straight away, he fell silent for some moments.

"It's not like that." Isagi started, unsure if what he was saying sounded genuine enough.

"I have an interest in you as well, Rin. We may have started off on the wrong foot back then, but you've proven your kindness and...I like your company." Isagi said...still thinking of anything else he could add to it.

"Though, in all honesty, I feel interested in many people, so I'm not picking favourites or anything, nor do I plan on playing with people's feelings." Isagi finished, hoping Rin would accept his explanation, and Isagi himself felt conflicted with his own feelings.

Rin was quiet, and stayed quiet for quite some time as he held Isagi, just taking in the moment. Rin moved back slightly but not enough to break the embrace, he just wanted to look at Isagi.

"So you're saying that, I do have a chance?" Rin questioned.

"Somewhat." Isagi shrugged simply, Rin nodded.

Rin was battling his feelings but was losing against them pretty quickly as him and Isagi continued to stare at each other, the eye contact had some sort of tension but, neither said a word, for now.

Rin then removed one arm from Isagi's waist and brought it up to Isagi's chin, lifting it up gently so their eye contact was more prominent. Then, Rin decided to take the risk.

"Isagi...can I, steal a kiss from you?" Rin requested, his tone low and somewhat nervous to have asked the question.

Isagi was definitely not expecting such a question but...Isagi was going to decline, but his thoughts said otherwise.

"...I suppose I'll allow it just this once." Isagi nodded, giving his consent towards the kiss.

Rin felt excitement rush through him, but his expression never showed it as his hand moved from Isagi's chin, to his cheek as he gently caressed it leaning down but stopping.

"Are you sure?" Rin repeated, wanting to know if Isagi was really confident with his choice, and Isagi nodded.

Rin then finally closed the gap between them both and they made contact with each other. It was gentle and affectionate, both of their eyes falling shut during the kiss. Rin didn't want to pull away, but he didn't want Isagi feeling uncomfortable, so after around 10 seconds, Rin broke off the kiss.

Isagi gazed up at Rin for some moments before looking away, his face slowly turning red from the kiss, but it's not like he didn't enjoy it or anything.

"Thanks." Rin said as he slowly backed away from Isagi, not wanting to, but he felt as if it would've been awkward.

"It's fine." Isagi nodded as he turned his head away as an attempt to hide how red he actually was.

"Lets...head back now." Isagi said as he walked past Rin with his head down. Rin stared at Isagi for some time before nodding and trailing behind Isagi, a small smile on Rin's face.





A/n: and I finally made Isagi kiss someone!1!1!1 😋.

Also, I've made the nagisagi Fanfic, would you guys like me to post it now? Or when I finish this fanfic, idmmdmd.

And tysm for 70k reads 😭🫶.

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