My day at a swimming pool

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My day at a swimming pool

I was enjoying a calming morning, sitting on the couch watching on my handphone. But my aunt called and invited the whole family to swim at my Cousin's apartment. But honestly I don't even know how to swim neither my mother as well but I said sure let's go and took a risk.

My mom ordered grabcar to go drive to the apartment, after we got to there, we were absolutely shocked how beautiful the apartment is, we went to a store called "janji jiwa' that sold types of bread and drinks, I went to there because I didn't have breakfast yet and I ordered bread with chocolate and my sister ordered a sandwich that had mayonaise gross!

Anyway we ate our breakfast while walking to the pool and the pool was so big that it could hold 200 people but it was pretty empty and we were the first ones there, we changed into our swimwear and swam in the water, I just walked with my mother while my sister had some tricks that I could not do.

After we swam we showered and changed back in our original clothes and we explored more and found out there's a supermarket beside the apartment we went to there and there was so much snacks it was like a snack heaven I quickly grabbed the snacks I liked and everyone else picked themselves, we checked out and we were on our way to my home.

So that is the end of my story thank you for reading!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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