Once Apon A Broken Heart (BxB Marianas Trench Fan Fic)

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"So leave me! Im not sick of you yet, is theat as good as it gets? Ill just hide it!!" I sang out with all my heart. "Sometimes i think that the bitter in you, and the quitter in me is the bitter in you and the quitter in me." The song was coming to its end as i shouted my last few words, "Is bigger, than the both of us." The crowd roared as I turned and walked off stage. I walked to my dressing room, locking the door behind me. I turned around to face the thing i hated the most. My reflection.

"Josh? Are you okay? Open up." I could here Matts voice coming from the other side of the locked door. I looked deep into my reflection. I heard another knock at the door. I pulled myself together and unlocked it. I turned and sat in a chair. Matt closed the door behind him and sat on the counter next to me.

"You know, I think you should see someone. This is getting worse and it kills me seeing you like this everyday. Please Josh, for me?" Matt spoke softly.

"Im fine, I just need some time alone. Ill be fine tomorrow." I put my head in my hands. "Its nothing. Really, im fine."

"Josh you are not fine and I will not sit here and let you lie to my face! I can see that you're changing. Its affecting me Josh. You are always so angry or you are super quiet. Im worried about you. Josh please see someone?" Matt begged, placing a hand on my neck.

I nodded and he walked out. I fixed my hair and walked to the bathroom. As I walked past the mirror an aching pain shot through me. I turned back to the mirror in disgust. I was so fat, so ugly. I lifted my shirt slightly, revealing my stomach. I turned away, pain twisting in my face. I walked to the farthest stall and locked it slowly. I shoved my fingers down my throat until vomit flowed into the toilet. I fell backwards and coughed. I felt a churning pain in my stomach. I heard the crowd cheering and shouting. I got up and walked out on stage, a fake smile plastered on my face. I bounced around stage singing. "Try a little more! Little more, little more! Slap you like a bitch, and you take it like a whore!" I walked across stage to the microphone stand and put the microphone in it.

The song ended and I stood waiting for my qeue. I stared out into the crowd, as the music began slowly. "An empty room, im empty to." I bounced around stage happily, singing and smiling. "Im awake and trying while you sleeping like a baby beside him! Im on the ledge while your so got damn polite and composed!!!...... Fallout, Fall!!!!!!" The song ended and everyone cheered loudly! After three hours of autographs and pictures, we could finally go home. I got in the limo and put my feet up on the seat.

"Hell yeah!! Lets drink to a good show!" Ian said loudly. Matt and Mike yelled in agreement. I just closed my eyes and shut the world away. "Hey. You okay?" Matt said softly in my ear. Mike and Ian drank and scrolled through a phone laughing loudly. "Yeah just a headache." I lied. He placed his hand on my chest. I looked at him and he stared back at me. He had a weird look in his eyes. He pecked me on the cheek, making my face shoot fifty shades of red. For some odd reason I wanted to grab him and hold him, never letting him go. He lifted my head off the seat, sat down and placed my head in his lap. He stroked my hair softly and I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up on the hotel bed surrounded by piles of clothes. I rubbed my eyes and finally realized Matt was balled up on the end of my bed freezing to death. I got up and walked to my suitcase. I pulled out a sweatshirt and slipped it on him carfully. I gently placed a pillow under his head and headed out to the main part of the hotel room. Mike was half way falling off the couch and Ian was sprawled across the chair. Man they are gonna have some hangovers. I walked into the kitchen and my mouth dropped. "WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID DICKS!!!!" I screamed making Ian jump halfway out of his chair. "MIKE YOU DRUNK BITCH WAKE UP!!" He groggily opened his eyes and looked at me like I had sex with satan. Matt stumbled out of the room and asked 'whats going on?'

"YOU STUPID FUCKS RUINED MY GOT DAMN GUITAR!!!" I screamed. Mike's eyes widened as I jumped on him wailing out. Matt and Ian tried to pull my fat ass off of him but I just kept beating the living shit out of him. When Ian and Matt finally pulled me off, Mike had a black eye, a busted lip, and most likely a broken nose. Matt dragged me into the bathroom.

"What the hell Josh?!??" He yelled. I just looked down. He paced back and forth over the tile floor. "My guitar matt! They drew all over my guitar and popped three strings! My favorite guitar! We have a show tomorrow. What the fu-" i was cut off by a pair of lips attached to mine. I ran my hand through their hair and grabbed their waist, pulling them closer to me. I froze at the realization that I was kissing Matt. A boy.

I pushed him away lightly. "Im sorry. I dont know what happened. I...I acted on impul-" I cut him off by kissing him again.

What the hell is happening right now?

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