𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲 , café

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RIKI'S VOICE HELD A tinge of impatience as he perched atop sunoo's back, his legs casually draped over his friend's shoulders. they were on their way to the café sunoo had enthusiastically recommended, but riki's patience seemed to be wearing thin.

"how much longer?" riki inquired with a sigh, his tone tinged with a mix of curiosity and restlessness. the prospect of reaching the café and indulging in matcha cheesecake had evidently stirred his anticipation.

sunoo, being the accommodating friend, had offered to carry riki when, just two minutes into their walk, riki complained about a supposed leg cramp. sunoo now bore the additional weight of his friend as they continued down the sidewalk.

the minutes of carrying riki seemed to be taking its toll on sunoo, who was starting to feel the strain. riki had shifted from having a cramp to enjoying a piggyback ride, and sunoo's patience also had its limits.

"riki, we — no. i have been walking for five minutes with you on my back!" sunoo exclaimed, his voice carrying a mixture of exasperation and playful annoyance. the cafe wasn't far, but sunoo was beginning to wonder if he'd made a terrible mistake by offering to carry his friend.

"i'm gonna drop you if you don't shut up," sunoo added, a playful threat as he adjusted riki's position on his back, making sure his friend was securely held. despite his words, there was a hint of amusement in sunoo's tone, knowing that riki's penchant for teasing and impatience was all part of their friendship.

they continued down the sidewalk, the banter between riki and sunoo providing a lively soundtrack to their journey. sunoo was acutely aware of the cafe's proximity, but he couldn't resist indulging riki's playful demands.

as they strolled through the bustling streets, the city's vibrancy surrounded them. people hurried by, each immersed in their own world, and the aroma of street food vendors filled the air. the sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the urban landscape.

despite the weight of riki and both of their backpacks on his back, sunoo's enthusiasm was undiminished. he enjoyed these moments with his friend, their easy camaraderie serving as a welcome escape from the daily grind of school and responsibilities.

"alright, alright," sunoo finally conceded with a grin, "we're almost there, drama king. just a few more steps."

riki chuckled, his earlier impatience melting away as he soaked in the vibrant surroundings. "i swear, sunoo, you're my savior today but if you drop me, i'll haunt you."

sunoo chuckled in response, his steps steady and sure. he was determined not to give in to riki's playful threats. the cafe was just around the corner, and he couldn't wait to share the experience of the matcha cheesecake with his friend.

as they approached the cafe's entrance, the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sweet pastries wafted out, tantalizing their senses. the cafe's large glass windows revealed a cozy interior, with patrons huddled over laptops or engaged in animated conversations.

sunoo carefully helped riki down from his back, making sure his friend landed safely on his own two feet. they shared a grin, a silent acknowledgment of the fun they'd had on their short journey.

"let's indulge, riki," sunoo said, holding the door open for his friend. "matcha cheesecake awaits!"

riki stepped into the cafe with sunoo following closely behind. the interior was even more inviting than they had imagined. warm, amber-colored lighting bathed the space in a cozy glow, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the sweet scent of pastries, creating an atmosphere that was nothing short of inviting.

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