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Riki was confused by his surroundings

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Riki was confused by his surroundings. He was still standing in the room with the big poker table in the middle. Sungjin and all of his friends were sitting around it.

A girl next to Riki. Ju-won.

And she was drunk. Although she was underage. If Heeseung would find out about it he would killl him.

"Ju-won, did you drink?" He asked the girl standing not so stable next to him.

"Noooo" Ju-won answered while looking at the tall boy next to her with puppy eyes.

"Be honest with me" Riki was now straight looking in her eyes. But this time her puppy look didn't chatch him.

"Maybe a little bittt. But only one glass I promiseee" Ju-won's voice was a bit shaky from all the alcohol she drank before. It wasn't only one glass. It was almost a full bottle of vodka.

If only he knew why she started to drink. The whole night, Ju-won just tried to keep that image out of her mind. The image of Riki dancing with a girl in front of her eyes. She tried to distract herself with drinking, it worked out pretty well.

"Ju-won why? You are still underage and you know that" Riki had now a strict tone in his voice.

"But you're underage too" Ju-won said, trying to make the situation not as bad as it actually was.

"But I didn't drink"

Ju-won didn't reply to this. She didn't know how. Riki just shook his head. How should he bring her home without Heeseung noticing his underaged sister drank.

She looked messy. Her hair was muddled, her eyeshadow smudged and her eyes looked like they'll close every second because of her tiredness.

"Come, we're leaving" He said while grabbing her wrist to pull her towards the door but someone's voice stopped her.

"No she can't leave now. We have a poker bet" Sungjin suddenly said, stopping them to leave the room.

"Sungjin, I don't care what you did here. By the way you'll tell Heeseung about this when he notice that. That's your fault, not mine" Riki said annoyed before leaving the room, pulling the girl on her wrist behind her.

He stopped a few metres in front of the room. He quickly closed the door.

"We will drive to the hotel now, if you want or not. We just need to find Jungwon. Hopefully Heeseung will not be with him" Riki said to the younger drunk girl.

"Nooo it's so much fun here. Can't we stay a little longer?" Ju-won asked, looking at his eyes.

"No we're leaving now. Come we search for Jungwon to drive us home"

"But Heeseung wanted to drive me home" The girl had again this puppy look, he didn't really know why. He knew she never drank before so she probably got drunk after already 4 glasses or something.

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