chapter 1.

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A blond guy is running here n there from the moment he woke up, the thing is they are going shift to a new house/apartment,"wht are u doing plss it's very important to me don't Break it" next moment he see the worker is carelessly carrying the thing even after the soft plead, but now the double Bunny mode active, when blond guy notice the carelessness he shout,"Mr it's my fvt dinner set I'll skin u alive if u break any piece",the workers got scared n immediately call someone to help him so that he don't break anything.

Mrs Jeon went towards his son put her hand on his shoulder give him glass of water n ask," why so hyper baby, see we all are here to help, nothing gonna happen drink this n cool down, take some rest too, u r running from the morning n workers are here they will do it themselves u don't have to worry about anything, come with me",she make him sit on the couch put his head on her lap n started caressing his hair softly.

Suddenly they hear loud thud, blond guy's heart come into his mouth when he hear it, he immediately rush towards the voice n see the truck is moving only, he sigh in releif he thought they break something. He again stand there to see if everyone is working normal or they r doing carelessly. They were indeed not serious but when they notice the blond guy they immediately start working like there's no tomorrow.

When everything got load inside the truck blond move inside the house n see his appa n husband talking about something he went towards them n sit beside his eomma.

When everything got load inside the truck blond move inside the house n see his appa n husband talking about something he went towards them n sit beside his eomma

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"Jungkook n mingyu, see we know your marriage was kinda early but still now that u guys are married so make sure to always understand each other."jk n mingyu nod their head, jk's appa move towards jk's side n continue,"Jungkook, i know you are smart enough to handle any problem but now u have your husband in your life so make sure to share everything with him, n u mingyu, we don't know you properly but still we are giving u our gem so pls take care of him, I'll not make it more emotional so just last thing, good luck for ur new life", they bless the new wed couple n hug them.

"jk n mingyu nod their head, jk's appa move towards jk's side n continue,"Jungkook, i know you are smart enough to handle any problem but now u have your husband in your life so make sure to share everything with him, n u mingyu, we don't know you...

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They parted their way, Mr Jeon order their driver to drive them to their new apartment. Jk hug them once more, Mrs Jeon kiss on his forehead n they sit inside the car n drove off.

Well jungkook n mingyu got married, it's been 3 months to their marriage n they r in jungkook's parents house but they r moving from here.

On the other hand there's lots of Chaos inside the college building everyone is watching the scene with scared face, a tall looking man is beating the shit out of a Buffy guy who is known as bully, everyone is murmuring to eo, "who even woke the sleeping devil now, no one can stop him". It's very rare to see him fighting with someone,cus he is very calm person who don't like to even talk to anyone so it's very rare to see the devil inside him awake but whenever it happens it's looks so scary and traumatized.

 It's very rare to see him fighting with someone,cus he is very calm person who don't like to even talk to anyone so it's very rare to see the devil inside him awake but whenever it happens it's looks so scary and traumatized

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The bell rings n everyone started running from the scene to their respective class. The Devil aka 'Kim Taehyung' with last punch leave the guy on floor, take out the lollipop from his pocket n left from there. There's no one who has guts to stop him or ask him the reason about fighting. Cus he is name as devil for a reason duh.

Let's start with some basic information about the main characters

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Let's start with some basic information about the main characters.

Jeon/Kim jungkook : 25 y/o(online dance teacher,likes cooking it's his hobby, wants to do something related to cooking) married to Kim Mingyu from 3 months. Who is 26y/o(college professor).

Kim Taehyung : 20 y/o (college student known as devil aka badboy, everyone afraid of him, cus of his deadly eyes)

Their personalities:

Jk is a mature, bold, sassy, straight forward, and loyal person, thinks too much.

Mingyu is lil selfish, loyal, obsessed over jk's beauty, always scold him to wear baggy clothes. He has a habit to own things n that's wht he thinks about jk that he owns him cus jk's his husband.

Taehyung is silent, calm, bt very agressive guy. He don't likes someone bothering him or next second u will see hell. He don't like relationships n all, always stays alone cus he thinks love is waste of time but has habit 'if I want it I get it'......

Let's see how the badboy meet the married couple n how the story begins into obsession, let's find out who is obsessed with whom.......

To be continued........


Pics credit goes to the real owner.

Story credit goes to my soulmate @shinedreamsmilekv .

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