Chapter 1

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Moonbyul Past

Years Ago

Moon:Hey bro you busy?

Tae:No. Wanna hang out?

Moon:Duh! I know you been busy packing because your going away.

Tae:Yeah. I am.

Moon:So we have to spend a lot of time together. I'll pick you up.

Tae:Actually I'm coming to you. I'm riding my bike.

Moon:Tae. Dude are you sure you okay?

Tae:Yeah man I promise. (Finishes writing and leaves the paper on his desk) I'm on the way dude. Let's go all out. It's my last night here.

Moon(smiles):Now your talking. See you soon! (Hangs up)

Moonbyul had on her baggy blue jeans and her jersey shirt and grabbed her bike. She waited outside and saw Taehyung waiting and smiling. They hugged each other and headed to an ice cream shop and eat some ice cream. After awhile they went to the park and headed to the beach on there bikes. Once the sunset they walked to a bench and looked at the sunset.

Moonbyul:Can't believe this is we graduated high school together. Just like we promised each other. Promise me you'll call me.

Tae:Y-yeah o-of course Moon. Your my only friend. I only have you as my friend and family. (Smiles)

Moon:You've always been a good friend to Taehyung. Do you want to head back?

Tae(looks at his watch and sighs):Yeah we should.

Moon(notices):Wait Tae dude talk to me. What's wrong? I can see it in your eyes.

Tae(smiles brightly and messes up moons hair):Nothing! Let's go I'll race you.

Moonbyul and Taehyung rode their bikes back to his house first. They talked for a few and hugged each other for a long time. Moonbyul waved goodbye and headed home. Moonbyul took shower and fell asleep. All of sudden Moon jumped out of her sleep breathing heavily. She immediately called Tae but no answer. She checked the time on her watch Taehyung gave her and it was 2:45am. She grabbed her jacket and was about to head out the door until her mom stopped her.

Moon's mom:Hunny where are you going?

Moon:I need to go see Taehyung. Something isn't right.

Mom:I'm pretty sure he's okay bunny head back to bed.

Moon(phones rings and answers):Hello?

Tae(crying):I'm sorry Moon. Thank you for yesterday. Your honestly made me the happiest guy ever. I'm sorry I won't be able to walk with the rest of the way.

Moon(tearing up):Tae! Stop talk to me.

Moonbyul started running to Taehyungs house crying running as fast as she can. Once she made it to the door she grabbed the key under the mat and opened the door. She banged and kicked on Taehyungs door.

Moon(crying):Tae please open the door. Please! I'm here okay! Open the door please.

Tae(Crying):I'm sorry!I love you Moon Keep fighting okay?! For me! (Gun goes off)

Moon(jumps and drops her phone):T-Taehyung? (Looks at floor and sees blood)

Moonbyul falls on the floor and slowly stands back up. She breaks Taehyung door and seeing him laying there. The gun still in his hand. Blood everywhere. Moon grabbed Taehyung lifeless body and called 1-1-2. The police answered and Moonbyul started crying so bad.

Police:What's going on talk to me.

Moon(crying):M-my f-friend h-he h-he.

Police:He what sweetheart talk to me.

Moon:He killed himself with a gun. Why Taehyung why! Why didn't you talk to me. (Crying)

Moonbyul could here the sirens from a far. She still head onto Taehyung crying. She noticed the note on the desk but didn't bother to read it. The police walked into the house and saw Moonbyul crying on Taehyung. They tried to pull her away but she couldn't leave his said. They called more officers and they finally pulled Moonbyul off. She was crying and screaming. Moonbyul mother hurried to Moon and hugged her but Moonbyul pushed her away and started yelling at her.

Moonbyul:THIS IS YOUR FAULT! WHY DID YOU FUCKING STOP ME?! I COULDVE FUCKING SAVED HIM! (Crying and pointing at Taehyungs house) I could've saved him. You know he didn't have anybody! You knew that! I could've save him! HE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE OF YOU DIDNT STOP ME! I told you something was wrong eomma I told you I fucking told you  and you didn't listen to me! IM COVERED IN MY FUCKING FRIENDS BLOOD! I'm covered in his blood Omma! I lost my friend. I lost my fucking brother because of you! I fucking hate you! I flicking hate you(crying)

Officer:We did find his suicide note. Would you like for me to read it?

Moonbyul:Fuck you!

Officer:Listen I'm sorry for the loss alright. Would you like for me to read the paper or no?

Mom:Read it.

Officer(reading as Taehyung):Hey Moon your the only person who's going to see this anyway since my parents don't care about me. I didn't do this because of you. I did this because of them. My parents never wanted me I was a mistake. They always told me that. If I'm being honest I was slightly jealous of how your mom would always hug you and kiss you every time we took you to school. Once she started doing it to me that feeling went away. I just wanted to be a boy who wanted love from his own family. That was never the case. They would  alway beat me starve me. Being with you was an escape from that but coming back to this empty home took over me. I know you said I could live with you but I knew I would become a burden because I'm not blood relatived. I know this was selfish of me killing myself but I tried getting help I tried talking but it was no use. Please just live on for me. Don't do what I did please. Be happy. I love you! From your big and only bro Taehyun. That's all he wrote. Selfish boy.

Moonbyul(angry):Fuck you say about him?!

Officer 2:Whoa. Don't you think you being too cold? This girl just lost her brother(body cam on)

Officer 1:He killed himself because of jealousy and wanted love from a family that never wanted him. Come on what is this 13 reason why? I rather be home in my bed instead of being here with this bullshit.

Moonbyul gave up on life the moment she turned that officer say that. She ran towards him and grabbed his gun and hit him in the chest. The other officers stared at her as she was crying. Moon dropped the gun and hovered over the officer and started punching him in the face over and over. The other officers ran over and grabbed Moonbyul pinning her own the ground. She was crying so bad. They put her in the back of the cop car and took her to a holding cell. They let her out a week later and cleared her record. They forced her to go to trauma therapy but that wasn't working for her. They decided to make Moonbyul work a grocery store only as a stocker. She started working there at the age of 18. Moon is now 22 and Taehyung would've been 23. Moonbyul haven't spoken to her mother since that night and moved out into the therapy dorm the officer made for her. Moonbyul hated that place because it wasn't helping her at all. Moonbyul only talked to once person who's like a friend to her but could never replace Taehyung. Her name is Wheein and she met her during therapy. Wheein is also Moonbyul roommate. Wheein visits Moon at her job everyday like she promised and in return Moonbyul stays at the dorm.

Present Time

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