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With her flip phone clutched tightly in her hands, Caitlin sat in a quieter corner of a fairly well-known cafe in downtown Belfast, fairly close to the apartment complex where she lived

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With her flip phone clutched tightly in her hands, Caitlin sat in a quieter corner of a fairly well-known cafe in downtown Belfast, fairly close to the apartment complex where she lived. As Erin had asked her, she had chosen one of the busiest cafes so that there would be enough people around her while she was there with a stranger.

Maybe that was an exaggeration. No, it was definitely an exaggeration, but the redhead also knew that her sister could at least watch Abel with peace of mind without having to worry unnecessarily about her getting kidnapped or whatnot.

Of course, there could also be a serial killer behind Jax who just wanted to lure her out of her safe walls, but that was so unlikely that it was almost absurd to even think about it. Besides, one look at Jax' face was enough to know that he was actually Abel's father.

And as nervous as she still was, she was also curious. Why did Jax only come looking for his son now? How did he even get the information about who Abel was living? And did Abel's birth mother also play a role? That was probably her biggest fear, that someone would take her place as Abel's mom.

For the tenth time in the last five minutes, she looked at the clock hanging above the bathroom doors, directly in her line of sight. She had come early anyway, a typical habit of hers. It was almost impossible for her to show up late somewhere. A lot would have to come up if that were ever to happen. But if she couldn't show up at least twenty minutes before the scheduled time, it just didn't feel right.

“Hey, thanks for coming.” A friendly, slightly deep male voice pulled her out of the thoughts in which she had been lost. Her blue eyes immediately landed on the blond man taking a seat on the chair opposite her.

She watched him closely as he looked around briefly and his equally blue eyes met hers, which made her nervous. Everything was making her nervous at the moment, especially because she still couldn't decide whether she had made the right decision.

“No problem. But that doesn’t mean that I’m anything yet”, she immediately clarified in a firm tone, at least she was trying to sound a confident.

“I don’t expect that”, a faint smile crossed his face before his attention turned to the waitress who wanted to take the order. “Black coffee, please.”

“Same for me, please”, Caitlin added, who normally hated coffee. Most of the time she stuck to cold drinks or tea, but only in autumn and winter. But since she hadn't gotten any sleep last night and was incredibly tired, a little caffeine couldn't hurt.

“So”, she began as the waitress left them alone and placed her folded hands on the table. “What exactly do you want? Do you just want to see Abel, get to know him? Or are you here to take him back with you sometime? If the latter is your plan, I advise you to go back to America straight away because that won't happen.”

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | sons of anarchy. Where stories live. Discover now