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the morning was really awkward. jisung came down the stairs and didn't even look at me. he just said good morning to me.

the walk to school was really awkward too. I tried to make a small talk, but he never really answered me.

I didn't like that.
At all.


I had no idea it would be this awkward. To be honest, I was the cause. I was just anxious thinking about last night.

When we reached school, I quickly ran over to Felix.

"Hi Lix."

"Hello sungie, how are you?"

"Yeah, good. I need to find taehyung now."

"Oh cmon, you're not talking to me at all since you became friends with taehyung."

"I'm sorry, wanna come to my house today?"

"Okay, should I pick you up at the cafe?"

"Yeah, amazing."

I went to the class and I saw taehyung sitting there anxious.

So he remembered our kiss

"Hi tae."

"Oh, hi."

"You remember, right?"


"Don't worry, we can just act like nothing happened."

"Thanks Han."

"Oh don't worry."

He looked less anxious and we started talking normally.

School ended and me and tae went to the cafe. We had an amazing time and it went by really quickly.
Since taehyung started working here, my job has been more fun.

I went out and I saw Felix waiting for me.


I went to pick up Ari and just think for a moment.

Should I tell her that I like jisung?

She happily walked with me, telling me about the new drama, and I loved it.

When we came home, I decided to tell her.

She is the one who knows jisung the best and she could help me.

I sat her on the couch.

Here goes nothing.

"Hey, Ari."


"I need to tell you something."


"I.....I li.....I like jisung."

She smiled
"Me too, I also like jisung."

"No, Ari no. I LIKE like jisung, you get it?
Like you like jinyoung"

She finally seemed to get it
"You like jisung?"

"I think I do, yeah."

She started screaming and jumping on the couch.


"Ari no, not yet."

She stopped jumping and sat on the couch again.

"Why not? I thought you said you like jisung?"

"I do, but he doesn't know that yet, so I need to know if you know how should I tell him?"

"No, im sorry."

"Could you ask him?"

"No. This is something between you and him."


"That's different."

I sighed.

"You should just tell him, don't complicate it."

I nodded.

"Okay, now, let's go play."

Few hours later, I heard the door open. I rushed to the door with Ari, just to see jisung coming in with Felix.

"Hi Felix!" Ari said and hugged him.

"Minho? Lee Minho?" He looked at me really surprised.

He then turned to jisung.

"You never told me that Minho is living with you."

"Yeah well....surprise?"

Felix looked at me and I looked at him, death glaring each other.

"Should we watch a movie?" Jisung said to broke the tension

"What should we watch?" Felix said

"Ari what do you want to watch?"

"Can we watch the book of life?"

( am I using my favorite movies as a movies they're watching?

yes, definitely )

"Of course." I said and we went to the couch.

"Well, I will bring snacks." Jisung said.

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