Yugito Gaiden

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Flashback: 17 years ago/Location: Kumo Mountain Research Facility

She kept flashing in and out of consciousness, catching the occasional sound of a voice here and there, somehow audible amongst the constant underwater ambience that surrounded her ears. Mostly, what she heard was useless drivel - discussions of what sounded like vital readings that she assumed were hers, measurements, quantities of things, and the like. But on one particular occasion...

She could faintly detect the click and thud of a door closing. She then heard a voice, coming from a slight, pale-skinned man who wore long black hair in a ponytail that she had come to know as Minaka, "Ah, A-sama! How good of you to show up at my lab on such short notice."

Knowing who A was, she brought herself to consciousness as best as she was able, given the sedatives she could feel in her system. Opening her eyes just enough to see, but not enough for anyone not looking to notice, she looked out into the room. She saw Minaka standing next to a figure whom she knew all too well...and hated with a passion. Said figure was a tall man, somewhere between 6 and 7 feet in height. He had an Herculean physique with blond hair and dark skin. He wore the standard Kumo jounin attire, accented with gold bangle bracelets on each of his wrists.

The man was Jounin Commander A, the son of the Sandaime Raikage and Kumo's second in command.

She then heard A speak, "This better be of great importance to Kumo, Minaka, or I will find someone to take your place regardless of whether or not they lack your expertise for creating your test subjects."

Moving just her eyes toward Minaka, she noticed that he paused suddenly at A's warning before returning to the eerie smile she knew he typically wore. She could only assume that Minaka knew the seriousness of A's threat.

"Of course it is!" he responded quickly, "Why would I ask you to come down here aside from the offbeat chance of forfeiting my life? Please note the specimen, here!" said Minaka, pointing towards Yugito, who decided to close her eyes so they would think she was still unconscious, though she kept her ears open and listened intently.

"Your message mentioned this had something to do with the experiment Raikage-sama conducted three years ago after Yugito's Nii's suicide," said A, as he had read the report, but nothing ever came of it to suspect anyone had done anything wrong, and that after the girl's death, they just sealed the Nibi away until they found a better host, "What does this...project...have to do with her?"

"Yes, this has quite a bit to do with Yugito Nii, A-Sama. You see, since you took over after the previous Jounin Commander's death three years ago, you were only given certain pieces of information regarding that whole fiasco. I felt I should inform you of something that was intentionally left out in his report, and requested Raikage-sama to keep it a secret until now when it would be ready," said Minaka confidently.

"You sound quite proud of this little project of yours, Minaka," A observed, "For your sake, it had better be worth it, or you'll be getting acquainted with my Iron Claw," A finished. This was not the first time he had threatened the man, and if things went well it would not be the last.

"Oh, I am quite proud of this test subject, A-sama. Behold, my experiment in all her glory, and the greatness that I have done!" said Minaka. The talking stopped, and Yugito assumed that Minaka was again indicating her to A, who was probably studying her visually.

Her assumption was proved true when she heard A speak up again, "So, then, what's so special about a naked little girl?!" She noticed the disgust in A's tone, and wondered if the giant man had thought that Minaka was a lolicon and a pervert.

"This is not just any ordinary girl, A-sama," Minaka began with confidence once again, "This girl is an artificially-created human, constructed from the DNA samples of Konoha's Yellow Flash and Konoha's Red Habanero, and anchored by the Nibi's seal. It was kept secret until this point to keep the other nations from learning of her on the chance that they would try to infiltrate us to either free the girl or kill her. The girl has been absorbing chakra at an astonishing rate, her power is incredible even without the beast sealed inside of her, and in the years to come, she will be unstoppable."

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