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yours truly, by @ vcnom_

chapter six.

i'm sad today

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i'm sad today.

during class hours, my friends and i
planned to hang out. but they all
ended up being "busy" and we had
to cancel our plans the last minute.

now i'm sitting alone on one of the
benches like an idiot. it was friday
today and i wanted to have fun before
weekend hits.

i had a pout on my face, feeling
lonely as i stared at the sky.

a sudden thought came to mind and
i can't help but ask out loud, "how
does it feel to be a bird?"

an unexpected voice suddenly
answered. "why, you wanna fly too?"

i turned to my side and saw
scaramouche, a bag slinging on his
shoulder. oh, how i wish i was that bag.

"well, i mean, uh," i faked a cough,
clearing my throat. "yeah, technically."

a dry chuckle erupted from his mouth
as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"by the way, i saw your friend kaz earlier.
he wanted me to accompany you in
case you feel lonely. but regardless of
what you're feeling, i'll accompany you
eitherway." scaramouche, for the first
time, smiled at me.

my eyes widened at the sight and you
couldn't help but blush. he wasn't the
type to smile a lot in front of people.

is it illegal if i were to say i'm suddenly
happy that my friends ditched me or
else i wouldn't have spent my time with
scaramouche this day?

we had tons of fun that friday. we went
to karaoke and i got to show him my
amazing singing skills which he said
"your voice sucks."

i had plotted a revenge that when it's
time for him to sing, i'd be the one
insulting him this time. but i couldn't even
do it because his voice was so ethereal to
the point you'll have to be ashamed of
yourself if you tried to say something

now, we went to a convenience store to
get snacks. he told me he'll pay for it and
so i wasted no opportunity and bought
everything i want.

"[name], aren't you going to get your
favorite snack?" he asked as he trailed
like a lost puppy behind me.

upon his statement, i turned around to
answer him. "i was about to get it," i
smiled while responding.

"i got it." upon uttering those words, he
raised his arm to show me something.
"this is your favorite right?" he questioned
once again.

even though his lips wasn't really showing
it, i could tell he was smiling just by
looking at his eyes.

i raised a brow and took it from his hand,
an idiotic grin on my face. "how'd you know
this was my favorite?" i asked the

"duh, you told me." he responded sassily.

"but that was months ago! there's no
way you remembered that!"




"mouche, ..will you marry me?"


"you didn't answer no again..!!"

"but i didn't say yes either."

"well that means i have a chance,

"does it?"


"i haven't answered 'no' to that
question for a long time."

"and that means you want to marry

"suit yourself."


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yours truly, by @ vcnom_

i had a hard time trying to figure out
kaz's pronouns bc blud doesn't know
either☠️🙏🙏 (kaz identify as al/pha)

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