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yours truly, by @ vcnom_

chapter ten.

i've been dating scaramouche forseven years now

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i've been dating scaramouche for
seven years now. we agreed to focus on
our studies first before getting into something

but we came to a decision that we'll
get married when we both finally graduate
college and have a suitable job.

recently, i just graduated college a month
ago and a company took me the moment i
got out of college.

as for scaramouche, i haven't heard any
news from him yet but we agreed to meet
up later this evening. he said that it was a
date and we'll watch the shooting stars.

i saw scaramouche standing in the
middle of the grass field, eyes on the sky
as he admired the starry night.

"my love!" i called out to him while
running towards his way. he turned his
head to look at me, a soft smile appearing
on his face.

he greeted me with a hug and a kiss on
the cheeks. "have you eaten? i bought
all your favorite snacks with me in case
you feel hungry." he stated, tucking a
strand of my hair behind my ear.

i looked to my left and noticed that scara
built a tent for us to sleep on. "we can eat
them later while stargazing!" i suggested
with a wide beam planted on my face.

my grin must've been so wide that he
started smiling from ear to ear too.

keep this a secret but i'd rather stare
at scaramouche's smile than watch the
shooting stars!

we spent the whole night together since
it was stated that the shooting stars will
be around 3am to 5am. when it was
finally time, scaramouche tapped my
shoulder and woke me up.

i didn't remember falling asleep but his
shoulder must've been so comfortable
that i started to doze off earlier.

i got up, stretched, and yawned before
stepping out of the tent.

scaramouche trailed from behind. i looked
up at the sky, patiently waiting for the
shooting stars to come.

the indigo-haired snaked his arms around
my waist from behind before resting his
head on my shoulder. "i really love you,"
he suddenly stated out of nowhere.

he wasn't the type to be affectionate
through words hence i was shocked since
i was always the one to say 'i love you' first.

nevertheless, i replied. "i love you, too."

scaramouche shook his head, and i didn't
know why. he also clicked his tongue and
groaned. he seemed to be mumbling words
to himself that my ears couldn't muster.

"[nameee]," he whined and his grip around
my waist tightened. "hmm?" i hummed in
return, turning around to face him.

while he was having a childish tantrum for
some reason that i'm not aware of, i
wrapped my arms around his neck and
kissed the top of his head.

"you haven't asked me that question yet."
he said quietly, too embarrassed to say

i immediately knew what he was talking
about. i let out a giggle at how adorable
he's being right now. did he seriously get
upset over that? following what he said,
i asked, "will you marry me, my love?"

for the past seven years we were dating,
whenever i asked him that, he would say
"soon" or "when we're both ready" so i
wasn't really expecting anything.

but this time...

"will you give me the permission to marry
an angelic person like you?" he returned
the question and i was flabbergasted.

i let out a dry laugh and kissed his forehead,
"yeah. the angelic person hugging you right
now is all yours to claim," i replied with no
hesitation, thinking that he was fooling around.

he let out a dry chuckle before asking,
"then, can i marry you?"

so this was it.

the prayer i've been chanting my whole
life was finally granted by the archons.

i wasted all my birthday wishes just for
this moment to happen and it was worth

cupid loves me!

and it seems like repeating the same wish
over and over again will make your wish
come true.

i smiled in return before responding,
"i'll let you marry me."


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yours truly, by @ vcnom_

i wanna do an epilogue and kill the
reader but whatever !! i promised A LOT
of people this will be JUST fluff.😿

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