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Today started like any other, boring and undesirable. As I rise from bed, I am immediately hit with a wave of uneasy and drowsiness. My phone going off with my alarm for work always makes my day start off with annoyance. I wish I didn't have the life I did and prayed to my goddess nightly for a change.
As I pull on my work clothes and head to the bathroom, I seriously consider calling in just because of how much I hate this job. Per usual, I don't, I need the money to keep my shit apartment, or my sleazy landlord will kick me out.
This feeling I get waking up in the morning makes me wonder if there really is more to life, and is this my only option? I hope not.
I sigh as I tie my shoes and glance at my alter for Lilith. She is my rock. I pray to her nightly, asking for a change, asking for her strength as she herself is known for not letting anything or anyone hold her back. With my hand on the door, it's decided that a morning prayer is in need. For if I walk out that door to my boring day job I'll cuss every person I see out.
In this moment, I know I should clear my mind as much as I'd rather not. Something inside of me makes me smirk a little at the thought of being baleful.
Grabbing the lighter off the kitchen counter while walking to my alter in the corner of my studio apartment, this place is this expensive and yet it's one room with kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom all in the same place. I kneel down and start lighting candles and open my mind to my goddess. With my head bent and my psyche freed, I think about what I desire the most. My need for passion and heat. Lust and power. Doing things how I want.
I take deep breaths and feel myself relax, and I know she's heard me. Even if I've never seen her, I know she's graced me. Blowing on the candles, I turn around, and the icy cold feeling of my stomach plummeting hits me like a brick wall. Instantaneously, I think this is a hallucination, I'm in denial. Because I would've heard this creature come in. A human man like creature stood in front of me, and I couldn't move an inch. We locked eyes, and in that split second, it happened. I'd never felt more terror, so scared I'd gone crazy or even crazier for thinking it was real.
But if it was all in my head, why was the honey gold of his eyes in such detail? Or the sharpness of his jaw and the fact he was shirtless? Like, come on, what is this sexy hallucination? As I'm pondering which mental ward to check myself into, he steps forward. It's when I notice how sweaty my hands are. I'm scared to speak, to acknowledge it, to make it real. I'm about to just close my eyes and wait till my heart calms down when he speaks. A low harsh voice with a hard accent I don't recognize says to me, "This is unexpected."
It breaks me out of my paralysis and I arch my brow slightly. "What?" I ask somewhat softly and somewhat annoyed. How can it be talking? I didn't know hallucinations could be so real.
He smirks, and I see human teeth with the canines longer and sharper. An amused look spreads on his face. "No, you are not crazy. I am real." My mouth drops slightly, and my heart beats faster, worried he can hear that since apparently can hear my thoughts. I breathe quickly through my nose and squeeze my eyes shut.
Not real. Not real. Go away. I almost want to straight up whimper in fear that he'll still be there when I open my eyes, but before I do with out a sound he's in front of me with his hand on my cheek. Air catches in my throat, and my eyes blaze open. I'm level with a muscular chest. A defined 6 pac and as he was in shadow before I failed to see his red skin tone. Deep and rich like a stained wood. An urge to reach out and run my hands up his chest catches me off guard and fills my lower stomach with tingles. As I slowly take my time looking up to meet his gaze again, I get this wicked feeling and peer up through my lashes to see his eyes no longer honey irises but fully black, no whites. His nose twitches, and he grins wide. "Yes, it must be you. What other human would have this reaction? " I place my hand on top of his that is still on my cheek and speak freely."What are you? Who are you? How do I know this isn't in my head?"
A low chuckle rises from his chest, and he starts to walk forward, almost pushing me till I hit the wall with a dull thud. "Did that feel real?" He leans in, and his nose grazes my ear, I shudder, and goosebumps form along my arms. I feel his soft breaths pulsing my hair at the nape of my neck. Holy shit this is real! My mind races with questions, and surprisingly, I feel my heart beat down south. As I look up at his dark hair, I notice the curled horns. My first thought was that I wanted to touch them. My second thought was why I wanted to do that. "Umm yea" I reply to his question a bit slack jawed while openly staring at his horns, my fingers twitch a little, wanting to reach out and feel the ridges of the curves that spiraled up, maybe 9-10 inches above his lose wavy hair.
Suddenly, the hand that was holding my cheek creeps to the back of my neck and into my hair. I resist the urge to let my head fall back and my eyes roll. He grabs my hair and pulls my neck to the side, groaning he runs his nose along my skin and breathes me in. I can't help it and let out a breath, almost a sigh. "Mmmm, this is a gift," he says into my neck, his soft lips brushing me with each word, and I can't stop my hands from reaching out like lightning at his words. My fingers splay across his chest and back. Greedy and clearly full of need. Fuck it, I'm taking this opportunity because if this cruel being was sent here to kill me, what a hell of way to die.
He stiffens for a moment almost as if he wasn't expecting me to touch him my self, he relaxes at once and placed his other arm around my lower back and pulls my body flush on his. The only thing that scares me right now is how turned on I am and why I'm not questioning this more. I keep on arm on his back and pull the other free to reach up to his neck. He pulls his head back far enough to lock eyes again. Green to pitch black. I stand up on my tip toe and press my lips to his. He responds in an instant moving his mouth with mine and the kiss depends. Our mouths widening and tongues touching. I pull back when I feel his tongue, skinner than a humans, and forked. He smiles deviously and it snakes out and licks his lips "Scared yet fiery one?" In response I drive my fingers in his head and yank his head back to my level, catching him off guard with a heated kiss and bravely exploring his mouth with my tongue.
His reaction made me legs feel like jello and I feel his arm tighten to support my weight. He groans into me and I feel his excitement on my abdomen. Hard as a brick and long, too long, scary long. He separates the kiss and in a breathy tone asks me "Come with me?" The lust in his eyes must mirror the one in my eyes and I ask a question in response "Where?"
He turns to the side, still keeping one arm around me waves his other in the air next to us. A ripple of black silently opens up in the space. Almost like a hovering shadow about 4 feet tall. I stare at it in wonder and curiosity. "What is that?"
"A doorway to my homeland, come with me, and I'll answer every question you have."
I look at the shadow like door for a while before asking one more question Will you take me home at any time?" Knowing I'm at his mercy and could be going to a trap, I look him in his eyes as he nods.
I give him a sly smile and begin to walk towards the ripping darkness.

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