27. Moved to LA

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VIENNA WAS STILL on her crutches but she got permission from her mom and Vincent to go to LA with Cam for a week. Of course, Nelson and Lavar were coming as well which was even better. Noah also coming.

They were all currently in the car and they were now in LA. Vienna had her crutches laid down at her feet and she had her feet up on the space between the passenger seat and the drivers seat. Cam started vlogging for the video he was going to post, Vienna laying her head on Marie's shoulder.

"What's good fam? We just moved to LA." Cam spoke to the camera, holding it up to his face. "We got Nelson in the cut. Noah in the cut. Ray is the cut. We got Lavar—"

The camera made Lavar look dark as fuck, you can barely even see his bitch ass in the frame. Cam sighed, turning the camera back to him. "He's dark as shit. We also have Vienna in the cut."

"She's crippled as fuck." Nelson buts in, pulling on her hair. Vienna furrowed her eyebrows, looking over her shoulder to send him a glare.

"Nelson and Vienna, how you been?" Cam asked them, pointing the camera at them since they both sat in the middle lane.

"Been good, been good." Nelson nodded his head and Vienna shook her head. "She's been busy as shit ever since the wedding is now in 2 weeks."

"Oh shit, I forgot about that."

"Of course you did, you're old as shit Lavar." Vienna snaps at him, making everyone in the car laugh at her comment. Cam goes around asking how everyone has been while Vienna and Marie watched tiktoks on her phone.

She got distracted when nelson leans over to be up close and personal to the camera. His eyes widen to show off his blue eyes and she stares at him with concern. She pokes the corner of his mouth and cam laughs.

"What's that in the corner of your lip?"

Nelson sat back into his seat, covering his mouth. "Bro— chill."

"So Nelson has dumb acne at the side of his lip." Cam explains to the vlog but then pauses, side eyeing Vienna. "Or maybe he just has fucking Mono after kissing Vienna all the time. We wouldn't be surprised."

"What the fuck?" Vienna questions, furrowing her eyebrows.

"So how is it being crippled as fuck Vienna?" Lavar asks her and she presses her lips into a thin line, crossing her arms. "Must be tiring having to use those crutches."

"Will you be okay by the wedding?" Marie questioned her.

Vienna nodded her head in response. "Yeah, it's getting better now, i could walk on it if I wanted to but the doctor suggested not walking yet. If I put too much pressure it could get worse."

"She's just stupid." Nelson shrugged his shoulders and she raised her middle finger up. "Ya'll, Vienna has been in a pissy ass mood the entire week. Yesterday she wouldn't even cuddle with me, the fuck?"

"Maybe because you smell like shit, Nelson." Cam suggested, staring at him dead in the eyes. She pointed at him, mumbling facts and Nelson tugs on her hair. "Yo, do you have some hair pulling kink or some shit? The fuck is going on right now?"

"What the fuck—"

Nelson gets the camera, having it up close to his face. "Nelson, that angle is just not flattering." Vienna laughs, shaking her head and he turns the camera so it was pointing at her. "Okay— stop."

"Anyways, we gonna show you the crib. Ya'll feel me?" He asked and started talking some gibberish. "We got Ray in the cut. Yeahhh. Yo, vee."

He shoves the phone in her face and she pushes it away from her, eyebrows furrowed and glared at him. "Get off her dick bro." Lavar told him. Nelson rolled his eyes, recieving a kiss from his girlfriend as a sorry.

Cam took the camera back since he didn't want two kids breaking it. He points it at Lavar, the lighting was not so great so you could barely see him. Vienna started snickering since he didn't notice he was getting filmed.

She tapped him and he turned around, Cam sighing to himself. "Man, he black as shit—"

Vienna sat on the couch, a bowl on her lap with mac and cheese in it. She had her hood on with some shorts, eating peacefully and watching tiktoks on her phone. That was until Cam started shooting the house tour and Nelson was yelling.

"So, down here we got the chilling area." Nelson points, walking into the living room. Ray stops in his tracks, moving the camera back and forth from Vienna and Nelson. She stops eating to look at them.

"Um, who is that?" Cam asked him, crossing his amrs and furrowing his eyebrows. "Is that another model?"

"Model?" Vienna questioned.

"Ignore her, I think thats a robber or something. I don't know why the fuck the robber has a broken ankle." Nelson shrugged his shoulders. His comment made Vienna throw a pillow at him, directly hitting him in the face. "WHAT THE FU—"

It was basically midnight, everyone was still up. Vienna laid her head on the table, feeling her eyes flutter close every minute or so. Her body was ready to rest but how could she when the boys around her were yelling.

Of course, Nelson yelling the most.

They were having late night discussions and Cam looks over to Vienna. "Do you need to go to sleep, Vee." He asked her a hushed voice so she wouldn't get a headache. Nelson stood up suddenly, having his hand out for her.

"Let's go." He told her and she took his hand, using just one crutch while Nelson held the other. They walked to their room, they shared with Noah since they were a bit young to be in a room alone. Even though they have slept in the same bed alone, Cam just wanted to be responsible.

Nelson helped Vienna down, she laid on the bed, pulling the duvet covers over her body. She felt weight on the other side, knowing it was Nelson laying beside her. He wrapped his arm around her, kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight, Vee."

"Goodnight, Nelson. I love you." She said before drifting to sleep. Nelson smiled to himself, mumbling an "i love you too."

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