The day he came and got my attention... Chapter 1

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It was a normal Monday morning all
The effort of getting dressed at 7:00am in our uniform, so boring ... (By the way in Ireland we wear school uniforms) 👎🏻😐I got dressed went downstairs to get breakfast, mum made awesome fried breakfast which includes eggs beacon toast sausage etc... You name it

After I ate and did my hair and applied a little makeup I took my dog Jerry out for a walk where the river is... It's quite beautiful (there is a picture of it at the top) 💕so I usually come here to think about things or either just take my patterdale terrier dog Jerry out for a walk. He loves it!

So we stayed there until it was 8:35am then we got home and daddy took me into school with a jeep we weren't far away from school but yet I am too lazy to walk in the morning especially when it's cold and raining sometimes but so far it's been okay around 18 degrees Irish people are dying and already going to the beach where the ocean is absolutely freezing! Silly people!😂

So we got to school we said our goodbyes, dad also said: Dominika remember today you have to walk home after school because I've got to stay on work and do extra hours... And ur mums busy doing gardening. I replied; yeah okay but inside I was dying because I have to walk two hills and they r so steep!🏃🏼🌄

Walked in and met up with my two best Friends Misha and Viki short for Viktoria...
Misha said: hey gurlll extending the L's
My friend really like to talk in all the American slang e.g Dayum, you ain't dusty , gurl , fabulous etc, mostly because She loves all
The YouTubes I don't know many because I'm too busy with the horse riding or busy with the farm and my dog Jerry so yeah she's awesome I wouldn't change her for
The world because we are just like sisters and she agrees with me

Viki is a lovely girl she is quite quiet in school though I think because it's obvious our school is just too hateful and I don't blame her for not wanting to talk to anyone but us and few others she is quite small too and it's cute me and Misha are the same height we are closer than I am with Viki but she's still my friend...

We walk to the canteen then when the bell rings we walk to class but this is the time where I see him ... Awhhh I can't stop taking my eyes of him he's just perfect... He comes in late which is a good thing because I get to see himself and he's incredible eyes!😳👀

Sorry this isn't a very good chapter first time doing this I hope it's not bad though and I promise things will get better eventually because this is the first chapter i wanted to try and get you into the story and know a bit more about everyone but Hugh 😉which you'll get to in the next chapter coming soon!!! Enjoy 😈😂😎😉💅🏻👍🏻 please give it a star yeno if u feel like it which would mean a lot to me okay bye for now!!!! 💜💙💚💛💞

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