𝘁𝗲𝗻 , interrupted call

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HARI'S ROOM SERVED AS her sanctuary, a personal haven where she could unwind and relax after the trials of the day. plush stuffed animals sat atop her bookshelves, and her prized collection of potted succulents added a touch of greenery to the room.

she lay sprawled on her bed, nestled amid a sea of plush pillows adorned with playful patterns of teddy bears. her pajamas, a delightful ensemble of lavender-colored cotton, featured a charming print of tiny brown bears frolicking amidst a backdrop of stars and crescent moons. the soft fabric, well-worn from countless nights of wear, added to her comfort as she lounged, a matching set of slippers rested at the foot of her bed, ready to embrace her feet with warmth.

the room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of her desk lamp casting a warm pool of light over her. the lampshade, a delicate paper lantern adorned with intricate cherry blossom motifs, diffused the light in a gentle, calming manner.

her laptop, which had become an integral part of her daily routine, was propped up on a pillow beside her. its screen displayed the familiar face of mihyeon. hari had known mihyeon for as long as she could remember, and their friendship had grown stronger with each passing year.

mihyeon's smiling visage filled the video call window, and her voice came through the laptop's speakers with a comforting clarity. the two friends had been chatting for hours, their conversation weaving through various topics, from school gossip to personal anecdotes.

hari adjusted her position, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she leaned closer to the laptop's camera. her room was adorned with posters of her favorite bands and artists, giving it a distinct and vibrant personality. the soft, soothing melody of a piano played in the background, one of mihyeon's favorite pieces. it added a serene backdrop to their conversation.

hari's expression was one of attentive interest as mihyeon delved into the details of her day. she listened intently as mihyeon vented her frustration about the recent chemistry experiment mishap. mihyeon's animated expressions were visible despite the digital interface, her hands gesturing in frustration as she recounted the chaos that had unfolded in the lab.

"i swear, hari, jungwon is a walking disaster in the lab," mihyeon exclaimed, her voice carrying a blend of exasperation and amusement. "it's a miracle we didn't end up with an explosion or something."

hari couldn't help but chuckle at mihyeon's vivid storytelling. "well, at least you survived the experiment, right? no harm done?"

mihyeon rolled her eyes playfully. "surviving is one thing, but i still had to clean up the mess he left behind. you should have seen the look on our teacher's face."

just as hari was about to respond, a sudden sound caught her attention. it was a soft but distinct thud against her balcony window. she quickly turned her gaze toward the source of the disturbance, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the area just beyond the glass.

hari and mihyeon exchanged puzzled glances through the video call, both attempting to identify the source of the noise. another gentle thud against the window left hari wide-eyed with realization.

quickly, she turned her gaze towards her balcony, her heart pounding with surprise and a touch of annoyance. there, outside her window, stood riki, tossing small pebbles to get her attention. his face, bathed in the soft glow of her room, bore an impatient expression.

hari heaved a sigh of exasperation, knowing that riki wouldn't stop until she acknowledged him. she quickly muted the video call with mihyeon, temporarily blocking her friend's amused expression from view.

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