💫 Chapter 5️⃣ 💫

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A few hours after her confrontation with Tara at TM, Wendy was back at home with her baby girl.

The former was currently trying to decide what the two of them could have for their dinner that night.

Skylar was in her room working on the small amount of homework she had for that particular night.

The fourteen year old was a pretty good student most of the time and Wendy was grateful that what her baby girl had experienced weeks prior at the cruel and disgusting hands of those three boys from her school hadn't affected that too much.

The older blonde was aware of most of the effects regarding what Skylar had gone through could have on her thanks to a friend of hers who worked as a nurse in the ER at St Thomas.

Thankfully though, the worst that Wendy had herself witnessed with her baby girl at this point had been the nightmares that she had mentioned to Gemma briefly earlier that day when they were still at the clubhouse.

She was also using the whole figuring out dinner thing as a distraction from the heavy conversation she would be having with Chibs in just a couple of hours.

She was going to reveal something to the Scotsman that only she and Gemma had ever known for the last fourteen years.

On one hand, Wendy was terrified at what his reaction might be.

At the same time though, she knew that Chibs would understand why she'd never said anything before now.

She'd honestly always viewed the older man as a sort of surrogate father figure especially during her days as a croweater.

Chibs had always made sure that none of his brothers, whether from the mother charter or from a different one, got unnecessarily rough with her back then and she had been extremely appreciative of that from him.

After ultimately giving up on finding something to make for dinner on her own, Wendy made her way up to her daughter's bedroom to see if she might have any requests on what she might like to have for dinner that night.

Skylar had already finished her small amount of homework and was now relaxing in her bed reading one of her favorite books.

"Hey, baby. Just wanted to see if there was anything specific you might want for dinner tonight since I can't seem to come up with anything myself."

Skylar thought for a moment before responding.

"Uhm, what about tacos? We haven't had those in a while."

Wendy smiled at her daughter before agreeing that tacos sounded like a great idea.

She turned to head back downstairs to start preparing dinner but was stopped by her daughter's soft voice.

"Hey, Mom? Can I talk to you about something for a minute?"

Turning back around, Wendy immediately noticed the sadness in her baby girl's brown eyes that reminded her so much of her father's own.

Crossing the room, she sat on the bed facing Skylar.

"What's on your mind, baby?"

Skylar hesitated for a moment before finally telling her mother about how she and her boyfriend Nate had broken up earlier that day at school.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, baby. I know how much you cared for Nate and it was always obvious to me that he cared for you very much too. Is it okay if ask why the two of you decided to end things between you?"

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