What a way to start the day.

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Amy gave a soft yawn as she sat up from her bed, trying to recall what'd happened last night. Oh! Right, Bibi had invited Amy to her house last night, and the two ended up watching all kinds of stuff together. Once it hit the much later hours, Amy had fallen asleep whilst cuddled up next to Bibi. The girl would admit, Seeing Bibi's face was quite the sight to see when Amy woke.

Amy gave another yawn, stretching her arms carefully so as not to wake Bibi. Though, to no avail, Bibi had the senses of a mouse. The blonde haired girl stirred roughly before pulling Amy back down to meet her sleep-dulled eyes.

"Why are you up so early, Amy? It's..-yawn- the weekend after all!" Bibi smiled brightly as she gently pecked Amy's cheek. It'd been roughly two months and this affection still made Amy blush like crazy.

"S-Sorry, Bibi. I'm just used to waking early, but I didn't mean to wake you." Amy muttered, pulling the blanket out from over Bibi's head. Oh, when was she never as adorable as a bunny rabbit? Bibi giggled softly as she looked up at Amy, soon giving a sly grin. Amy quickly caught onto this and shook her head.

"Bibi, no! I told you, it'll happen when i'm ready! Plus it's way to early as of now!" Amy huffed, leaving Bibi with a disappointed frown.

"Awwwh, your no fun! Well, maybe we can play soon?" Bibi still went on, walking two of her fingers up Amy's arm until resting her palm onto her cheek. Amy gave a deep sigh as she grabbed onto the collar of Bibi's pajamas, pulling her face close to hers.

"Does this satisfy you for now, love?" Amy asked before quickly locking her lips with Bibi's. This kiss lasted for a good minute before the two separated with short, heavy breaths.

"Hmmm..Maybe!" Bibi said with a sly grin, smiling brightly as Amy giggled lightly.

The two scurried out of the bed, and after throwing numerous compliments at eachother, changed their clothes before heading downstairs.


"You sure you don't want me to handle breakfast, hun?" Bibi asked as she noticed Amy struggling with the Rice omelets.

"N-Nope! You cook for me all the time, so I-" With a slight creak of the chair Bibi was sitting in, and a close nudge to the neck, Amy was silenced by Bibi's affection. Bibi slowly trailed her hadn down Amy's arm until she had her hand wrapped around Amy's hand, which held the whisk she was holding to beat the eggs.

"You have to be more gentle, otherwise you'll make a mess." Bibi muttered before slowly guiding Amy's hand to more gently whisk the eggs. Amy moved her hand with Bibi, feeling a sensation of comfort from this.

"There you go, You've got it! Still want me to guide you, though?" Bibi had her head rested against Amy's shoulder, and felt her nod her head with a slight, "mhm.". Bibi began humming a soft tune as the two worked together smoothly as time ticked on. Though, putting the bacon onto the pan scared the life out of Amy when the grease popped and shot onto her. Bibi, of course, had to calm her down and tell Amy that she'd do the bacon.

After the bacon was finished, Bibi smiled and walked over to Amy. The two successfully made Rice omelets, Bacon, Pancakes, and a warm, steaming bowl of oatmeal. I'm sure at this point, they were both delighted with the results.

"ooh! It looks tasty! We did good!" Bibi cheered, with Amy nodding rapidly.

"Yeah! I say we eat up and get a start to our day!" Amy cheered, though she quickly went silent after realizing what day was today. The two ate in a somewhat comfortable silence, and the two smiled at each other as they both let out pleased groans between each bite.

Not long after eating their breakfast, Bibi and Amy had gotten to the door where they'd put on their shoes. After that, Bibi grabbed her purse and smiled at Amy.

"We'll walk today, okay?" Bibi smiled more as Amy smiled lightly. The two intertwined their hands together before walking out of the house, and the opposite direction of the school.

!!SPOILERS AHEAD! There is a spoiler regarding the very last chapter (Chapter 46) of I love Amy. If you have not read chapter 46 yet, Please skip this part of the story.!!

Thw two walking together arrived at the funeral home. Bibi's bright and enthusiastic mood had already dulled, and Amy gently rubbed her back as to comfort the blonde, who was now crying.

"-sniff- He..He'll finally be at peace.." Bibi whispered. Granted, she was thankful that this funeral accepted to host funerals for pets. Amy gently rubbed her thumb against the back of Bibi's hand, who smiled softly at the affection.

"He will, and I'm sure he's had a great time with you. C'mon, smile for Snowball! He wouldn't want you to be sad!" Amy tried her best to crack a smile, but the truth is she was on the verge of tears. Seeing Bibi like this destroyed her more than anything, but she wanted to make Bibi happy. That's what Bibi wanted, was for Amy to be happy. And Amy wanted her to be happy.

"Hmph! You dork, you're about to cry too!" Bibi huffed, scooping Amy up in her arms and exchanging few words with the assistant at the front desk, before making her way to a small room with the sign, "Reserved for the family of Snowball Reden.". Seeing her last name after Snowball's made Bibi so happy, she smiled again and set Amy down. She placed her hand against the handle before entering the room, allowing Amy in after her.

Suffer the cliffhanger you sillies. Next chapter will include a major spoiler for Snowball so if you want skip like, the first half because there's gonna be affection after it

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