Chapter 1

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The Raindrop retreat was the favorite and most revisited bar by detective Victor Cross.

It had a cheaply made neon sign and was in very poor condition.

With it's slow spinning ceiling fans and not well-maintained sanitary conditions.

It was not a very popular spot nor was it well-known, most people would go to the club just a few blocks down the road.

Every night from 8:00pm to 12:00 in the morning you would find none other than the private detective Victor Cross here at his bar.

Drinking whiskey and smoking cigarettes all night long.

It was 11:43pm a late for some but not for Victor.

There were very few people that night maybe regular visitors didn't matter to Victor as long he got his whiskey.

He waved his empty drink in the air and the bar tender brought him a bottle of whiskey and cleaned out his ashtray.

"Another late night, Victor?"
The bartender asked cleaning a glass.

Victor nodded his head and took a drink from the bottle.

"I've got to say Victor of all my years of bartending I've never seen anyone drink and smoke as much as you and still be alive.
You trying to kill yourself or something?"

Victor pulled out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.
"That's the idea."
He reached into his trench coat and pulled out a silver lighter.

He lit the cigarette and started to smoke.
An hour passed when another man entered the bar and sat down next to Victor.

Unlike Victor this man was well dressed, had blonde hair, a nice tie along with nice shoes and was wearing a brown suit.

Whereas Victor wore a black suite, with a lose tie and a black trench coat.

Victor was hunched over whereas the other man sat up straight.

He lifted a finger, and the bartender brought him a glass of water.

"Evening, Victor."
The man said picking up the glass and taking a sip.

Victor rubbed his right eye and looked up at him.

"Evening Steve, how's work been?"
Victor grabbed a glass of whiskey and took a drink.

"You know how it is Victor, it's also what brings me in tonight.
Theirs a case I'm working on that I need your help in.
Your expertise would help us with this case.
It has a certain element that only you and I have expertise with."

Victor singed and finished his drink.
"Fine, let's get this over with."

Steve got up and put down some cash to tip the bartender.

Victor tapped on the table, which was his way of telling the bartender to put it on his tap.

The two men exited the bar into the dimly lit streets and the cold rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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