Once upon a time in a land of mystical beings and human alike all lived together in peace and harmony. There were two kingdoms one which had humans not the kind of humans you see today. These humans had a knowledge that everyone dreamed of having. the downfall of it all they kept the other kind in slavery testing them experimenting on them if they hold the mythical powers their ancestors 38 million years ago. No one has ever cracked the case they have no proof that they ever existed. Until one day a young knight went out on his own adventure to seek out these mysterious legends.
Thus begins our adventure
Sonic The Hedgehog GreenHill Kingdom
Opening Scene:
Castle mythic. Where the evil lies
Chief: every single one of you have been chosen for one purpose. Do you know what that purpose is?
Mythic knights: Sir to bring back as many people who has use to this war chief sir!!
Chief: good now get out of my sight.
As the knights stomp their leg down and salute they begin to all turn around and march out.
Chief: you kid stay right there!
Kid: crap
The kid said in his head. He then turned around and stood up straight.
Chief: and where do you think you're going?
Kid: Sir im only doing as you ordered.
Chief: What's your name?
Kid: I um don't have a name.
Chief: how does someone not have a name.
The king walked into the room. He couldn't help himself.
King: you see that's because he doesn't remember his name. I found him just a little under 3 months ago. I found him unconscious just a mile in Soleanna Forest
I brought him here to aid him.Chief: is that so.
The chief turned around and grabbed and picked up a crate and placed it in front of the kid.
Chief: go ahead kid open it.
The king smiled but also looked a little concerned not knowing if the sword would bring back any memories of some sort.
The kid opens the crate he pulls out a sword.
King: hmm that's funny how did you know that it was his sword chief?
Chief: I uh didn't. Guess now it's just a. Lucky guess.
King: So kid do you. Remember anything?
The kid looked closer at the sword and noticed there was a strange emblem on it. Kinda looked like a hedgehog. But he kept that to himself.
Kid: uh no sir not yet.
King: no worries hey you might want to catch up with the others. Take a horse just don't let it out of your sight kid.
Kid: yes sir thank you sir.
As the kid ran out of the room and exited the castle. The chief turned to the king and asked him.
Chief: are you out of your mind sir.
King: hold your tongue when you speak to me that way.
Chief: sorry sir. I guess I shall put it this way does the kid even know how to ride a horse?
King: yes he does. Now back to your duties.
:Scene change:
The kid caught up with the others.Knight Carl: oh look the new kid finally caught up with us. Just in time to. Leave the horse over there. Tie it we don't need the king freaking out cuz you lost the horse.
Kid: Right I understand.
As the kid was tying the horse down he heard a voice.
Voice in the echo: don't Listen to them.
The kid looked around.
Kid: what? Who said that.
Knight carl: hey kid what the hell are you doing get over here.
Kid: Coming!
Voice in the echo: Don't Do it Walk away...
The kid stopped running.
Knight Carl: what's wrong you look like you seen a ghost. Don't tell me you're second guessing the knights?
Kid: what? No. I just.
Knight Carl: uh uh uh nothing.
Knight John: Carl man come on be nice to the new guy.
Knight Carl: Alright alright fine. I'll cut you some slack just this once only because this is your first real mission. What toke you so long to get here anyways?
Kid: the king and chief wanted to speak with me.
Knight Carl: right and my moms a witch. Nice sword you got there though.
Kid: th. Thanks.
Knight Carl: alright men you know the drill. Gather as many people that you can. And bring them to me.
Knights: yes sir!
The knights spread out to each home.
Knight Carl: woah kid hold up this is your first time so that means you stay with me. Watch how this works. Got it?
Kid: uh ok then.
Knight Carl: so now that we're alone I wanted to ask you do you remember your name at all yet?
Kid: no. Sadly I do not know yet. I'm sorry.
Knight Carl: it's alright. Say would you like a Nick name then?
Kid: Sure but Only if it's not embarrassing.
Knight Carl: is Timmy ok?
Kid Timmy: yeah I like it but only until I can figure out my name.
Knight Carl: Alright then.
Voice in the echoes: I know your name......find me and I'll tell you.
Timmy looks at Carl With a worried look on his face.
Knight Carl: hmm did you say something?
Timmy: nope.
Knight Carl: alright look sharp here they come. So men how did it go. Did anyone follow orders?
Knight John: sir I scanned most of them and none of them holds any knowledge of what we seek.
Knight Tre: same here.
Knight Carl: did anyone here get something we need?
All the knights shakes their head.
Knight Carl: Great. The king will not be happy.
Voice in the echo: Kid whatever you do don't mention anything about me.
Timmy: who even are you?
All the knights look at timmy with confusion.
Knight Carl: alright let's head back.
Voice in the echo: I'll explain more later just make sure you bring the sword to your quarters. If the king asks to take the sword then kindly refuse and say I need to clean it. Besides it is your sword after all.
To be continued
Sonic The Hedgehog GreenHill Kingdom
AbenteuerOnce upon a time in a land of mystical beings and human alike all lived together in peace and harmony. There were two kingdoms one which had humans not the kind of humans you see today. These humans had a knowledge that everyone dreamed of having. t...