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"Lily! Are you ready?"

I buttoned up my shirt and fixed my collar, waiting for Lily to emerge from our room. Emerson was with her in there and Josh had already gone to school. It still felt weird referring to Emmy as my daughter. Too surreal, you know? Even now, I still ponder over how I grew to be so lucky. How it ended up like this. It seemed just too good to be true. But my thoughts were interrupted when the bedroom door creaked open, and out stepped Lily, her pale white dress swirling around her. She looked like a goddess, her hair tied into a puffy bun with two strands protruding forward. Her face was adorned with light freckles. She looked...

Heavenly. Beautiful. Gorgeous. 

Emerson was walking beside her, stumbling a bit. She was looking every bit like her mother, wearing a cute brown dress. A long red ponytail waved behind her as she held her mother's hand and smiled at me. God. 

"Should we go now?"
"Oh-oh yeah. Let's go."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I was just wondering how I grew to have such a beautiful wife -"

Lily grinned. I went over to Emerson and cupped her cheeks. They were so soft and tender.

" - and such an adorable daughter!"

Then I began tickling Emerson as she laughed, punching me in the chest.

"Mommy said we would go on a trip today. Will we go?"

"Do you want to go?"
"Yes. I want to zoom through a-a flying machine -"
"Do you mean aeroplane?"
"Mhm! And-and I want to eat lots of new dishes and-and go to beaches and... I can't think of anything else right now. I'll tell you later, Daddy!"
I sucked in a gasp. She always used to call Ryle her dad. I was always 'Atlas'. Just Atlas. 

"D-did you call me daddy?"
"Now that Mommy's ma--ugh!"

She pulled me and Lily so we were both on our knees and began to point at our rings. Then she began to imitate (Lily turned as red as a beetroot) two people kissing by clasping her hands into one another and taking out weird noises.

" Married. That's what you meant, right?" Lily blurted out impatiently while I laughed my head off.

"She isn't wrong, is she?" I winked at Emerson.

"L-listen! Now that you and Mommy are married, I should call you Daddy, right? My friend Amelia told me that. And-and my other daddy, h-he'll become Daddy No.2!"

I smiled at her beseechingly.

"Wait. There's Mommy, and Daddy, and Daddy No.2 and...wait. No. How can I have two daddies?"
Lily looked quite flustered and replied with a quick "We're getting late, honey" before hoisting her up and carrying her away to the car.

I couldn't help but chuckle and grin at Emerson. 

My daughter.

A/N: I'm so sorry I didn't upload sooner and that nothing too important happens in this chapter but I'm going to try for regular updates now! Also, do comment your thoughts and vote this story if you think it's worth it! Thanks to all who've been keeping up!


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