2.0 Chapter 27 (Part 2/3): Claws In

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At the moment I've not watched the episodes I said I have.
So at the moment I'm fine and not fan girling and stuff.
(This was before watching)

Let's see after watching....
After watching Epi 21: HELL YEAH! Lila Rossi now ur done for.

Epi 22: Chloe is such a b*tch! I hate her. How the hell do you outlaw three people you don't know the identity of?


Epi 24: Weirdest and coolest couple ever. Felix and Kagami. Honestly. The story tho. Weird. But cool. Wait does that mean Felix isn't even real?


Epi 26: GABRIEL AGRESTE...he sacrificed himself for his wife. Gosh darn it I feel sad. It feels so unfinished. LILA ROSSI!! R u kidding me? They said I love you.

And can I say: BEST FREAKING SUPERHERO TEAM EVER! I just loved how at the end they all came together. It was freaking awesome. Can't wait for season 6.


Mari's POV

I felt weird without Chat Noir by my side. But as we got ready, as Alya and the others gave the Miraculouses to their present holders. Present present holders. The younger versions.

The weird feeling stopped the second I saw Ladybug...Marinette. Future Marinette...talking to Tikki alone. She stood there while I watched. Chat Noir...he wasn't there. The weird feeling vanished. I was doing this for Chat Noir's future. So he survives to see a future. He sacrificed himself for the sole reason of saving the world from crumbling. Honestly...he was the bravest of us all. He truly was.

I detransformed in the restrooms. I needed to talk to Tikki. My Tikki.

"He perishes..." I sighed. The first thing Tikki heard.
"We can save him this time, Marinette. We will try our best." She assured me.
But I felt this empty hole in my chest. As if I had lost a part of myself. But Chat Noir is safe.
"I need to protect him." I muttered.
"He's with Alix, Marinette. He should be fine."
I shook my head.
"One mistake! If Alix can't keep Chat at bay. I need a plan B. That only I will know."
"Tikki, he's my partner. The one who has my back no matter what! I need to have his. Even if he doesn't want me to."
"Marinette...what are you planning?"

I didn't know surely either. But I had to protect him. I wanted to and I always would.

I transformed back and exited the restrooms. I wished everything would go well. But there was always a twist. Always.

The second I saw Carapace. I called to him. A plan to protect Chat Noir.

"Please, Carapace." I said.
"Alright, Ladybug. Whatever you ask. I'll keep Chat Noir safe, he's our bud!"
"Thank you, Carapace."
"Will you be safe, Ladybug?" He asked.
I nodded in assurance.

Purple Tigress came to me and looked at Carapace.
"Yes?" I asked her.
"I don't see Chat Noir." She said.
"It's a precaution. Don't worry, he'll be back safe and sound."
"That's good, can't let all the kitties out of the litter."
"You and cat jokes. You can't Chat should really get together." I said.
She gave me a tigress purr.
Lady dragon came to me next. Which is weird. As she had this nasty look.
"I don't like this. You've called everyone. Who are we gonna defeat? Celestino or her goons?" I hadn't seen Fai in a long while. And I didn't know she was called.

I looked around and saw Eagle and Uncanny Valley. I turned to look at future Ladybug.

"You've called a lot of-"
"I know. We need all the power. And they agreed. They heard me out."
"I didn't call them. They have to look after Shanghai and New York-"
"Ladybug, you need help. As much. And I know...but it's needed. The power we get from Lady Dragon, Eagle and Uncanny Valley is a lot. Let's introduce everyone...ok?"
I stared at her. My older self. She gave me a whole group of superhero's. And all I wanted was to fight beside Chat Noir.

What am I doing wrong?

I gulped. I turned around and saw that everyone had lined up. This feels like a dream. A horrible dream. A dream that felt unreal and surreal.

"Remember, Celestino is-"
"Stop! I understand that you have been going through this many times. But this team is mine. Let me do this alone. I don't need your help. We've gotten brilliant heroes and minds right here they will fight beside us. You should be with Bunnyx...and Chat Noir. Keep him out of our way. Keep him safe. Please." Future ladybug gulped. I felt her nervousness. She didn't change much. That's for sure.

"Protect Paris." She said. And then from literally nowhere Bunnyx opened a portal.
How does she do that?
I have to learn.

I turned around and I finally understood how scared and afraid our older selves were. Future Ladybug called Lady Dragon, Eagle and Uncanny Valley. I knew how dangerous Celestino must be in the future. This was harder and worse than ShadowMoth.

I understood the responsibility, it was the same as before yet now I had a full team at its peak ready to fight beside Chat Noir. We'll make it work.

We have to.

"We have a enemy we don't know much about. We know that she's the threat in the future that arrived a few months back. She attacked us and we defended Paris. Now she's back but in a younger version. She's not alone. She has a ally. She's new to this, but we all have experience. We know how to defend and protect. Today we have to do both! We will do it as best we can and more. We will win this, we will do it together..."
The howls and the energy that came after was positive and winning.

We left the ice ring with strong faces and reached at point. We landed on the rooftop with a perfect look at Celestino's home I guess. She had made a greenhouse plant thing around herself.

"What's our game plan now we don't have our adult selves to guide us?" Rena asked.
"We don't know what the adults know. But we do know one thing or two about nasty villains."

Just to not bust your bubbles. No this is not the end of book 2. Thanks for reading.

Next chapter is OUT NOW!

Pound it M'Lady🐞
Pound it M'Kitty😻

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