6. | 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚢 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚎𝚛 |

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Hey thier everyone

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Hey thier everyone.,
Really sorry for late update i was extremely busy nowadays.

Today's view

🍂Take time to make
Your soul

°°Let's start°°


Ishani's POV


This girl asked me as if she owned the company. Seriously, do they have employees like this?

"I'm here to meet Mr. Rathod. As for permission, I asked at the reception."

"But I don't remember giving permission to anyone to meet him."

Why would he need her permission to meet anyone? Then my eyes went to her badge.

Sunaina Kapoor

'Secretary of Veer Singh Rathor'

Oh, so she is his secretary, but her behavior doesn't seem like it.

"Actually, Miss Sunaina, as I said, I took permission at the reception. By that, I mean I asked Mr. Singh before coming here. If you have any doubts, you can ask him. Now, if you don't mind, excuse me, I have to go."

I replied to her and turned to go inside when she grabbed my wrist, stopping me. Ugh, this girl is seriously getting on my nerves.

"Yes, I mind. You can't go inside." Why is she making such a fuss?

"Why so?" I asked in the same authoritative tone, removing her hand from mine.

"Because Mr. Rathod didn't tell me about any visitor today, especially not someone like you. I know why you're here and why you want to meet him, but I will not allow it. Keep dreaming and now get lost, you sl-"

"I dare you to complete that word," I interrupted her.

"Now it's enough of your shit, if I'm hearing it don't mean I can't say something, you are just a mere Secretary of his surely his Schedule is with you, but it's doesn't mean you will decide his visitor it's his decision just stay in your limits and do the works which are assigned to you don't try to get on someone's nerves"

Replying to her, I started to move inside but stopped in my tracks and looked back at her.

"And also, don't justify me as yourself," I said, fixing her with a strong gaze. "I'm not your fucking mirror."

Leaving her dumbfounded, I entered inside only to collide with a hard wall... wait, what? A wall in front of the door? I looked forward and saw something suited in black. But why would a wall be suited? Looking up, I realized it wasn't a wall; it was my dear Hukum Sa with his well-built, broad, hard chest. 

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