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Introduction jasmine Nkosi.but I like being call Jess because it sounds better,18 y/o.darkskin,tall and living with my parents and am only the the way um I have a boyfriend called Lwandile Mkhize and he is 23.he is always overprotective when it comes to me and um so inlove with him..but my parents don't like him so much.i don't have many friends and I once had a best friend called Jason Khazi..Ohhh man he also meant so much to me until me and my parents move and we never communicated ,I was only twelve at that time ...I don't know what happened because he promised will call me but he never sure he forgot I even exist but I never,and it's not even possible to forget him....

So get settled while taking this journey with me😍🥺

Jasmine's pov.

Early in the morning :

i opened my eyes yawning ‚ stretched my arms and got off the bed . i walked to the bathroom ‚ took a shower ‚ lotioned my body ‚ brushed my teeth ‚ wore my blue jean and black oversized t-shirt  ‚ white nike sneakers  ‚ styled my hair and sprayed my whole body using my body spray .

i smiled walking downstairs where i found mom and dad setting up a table for breakfast .

Jasmine:Morning, mom and dad
Mom&Dad:Morning princess
Jasmine:It smells so good in here
Mom:I made your favourite
Jasmine:what are we waiting for lets dig in
Dad:yes,lets eat i am starving 

Taking our seats and started to eat our food.and i was starting to enjoy them since i don't eat much when my started to talk about spending the day together since i am moving away from home to starting university. Because i have been accepted to ROSEHILL UNIVERSITY of my dreams. 

Mom:jess,we spending the day together.
Jasmine:i already have plans with Lwandi
Mom:wow Jasmine,instead of spending your last day with your family but you decide to spending it with that useless boyfriend of yours.
Jasmine:Mom all you do is to always complain,but dad doesn't complain even though he doesn't like him and you should starting be supporting like him.Dad i going out.

I said standing up,taking my phone and car keys.And stormed out of the house.i couldn't even identify my feelings whether i am sad or angry


Jasmine's pov

I went to the garage and got inside my BMW car dad bought me on my 17th birthday day.started the car,I connected my phone to the car and played my favorite sad the way I like korean pop,I listened to I'm fine song by BTS.I didn't want to go to lwandile's place this time because I don't want him to be worried.I went to my friend' tattoo shop as promised him I pass by someday.

Thirty minutes later:

I arrived there..and entered the shop..
me: hello, look who's here
him:hi,yah look who's here
(We looked at each other and laughed)
me:Sam,you doing good bro
Sam: yeah, what about you dude
me:um doing great and how your business doing
Sam:ohh business is great,so what can I do for you.You here to get a tattoo
me:(laughing)no just wanna check on you dude it's been long since I saw you
Sam(starring)ok sis
me: Well you got okay,I wanted to get a tattoo
Sam:well I know you right,u here for butterfly tattoo

Well he was right I was there to get a tattoo.Sam know me to well,he is like a brother to me.By the way he is half Korean and half African.we have been friends for 4 years now.he knew I always wanted to get a butterfly tattoo.i have always been oppressed with butterflies.

Sam did his job so well.i  got the tattoo on my shoulder.
Sam:well,am done Jess
me:wow bro it looks so good on me
Sam: When are you leaving?
me: you want me to leave?
Sam:no bro"laughs"I meant when are you leaving for school
me:"smiles"Tomorrow around 12
Sam: well am going miss you sis
me:no am gonna miss you more bro

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