𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 , handle it just fine

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THE WEEKEND HAD ARRIVED in a blink of an eye, and for hari, it meant preparing for something on a saturday evening that had caught her off guard - riki's party. she couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and reluctance as she contemplated the evening ahead.

the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow through hari's bedroom window. she stood before her closet, pondering over her choice of attire for the party. after all, it wasn't every day that she accepted an invitation from her neighbor and rival.

her fingers sifted through the array of clothes hanging neatly in her closet. she settled on a stylish knee-length navy blue dress with subtle floral patterns. it was a tasteful choice that was neither too casual nor too formal for the occasion. hari knew she wanted to make an impression, even if she had her reservations about the party.

with her dress selected, hari moved to her dresser, where she considered her options for makeup. a light touch of mascara and some subtle eyeshadow would do, she thought. she applied the makeup with a practiced hand, enhancing her features without going overboard.

after a moment's contemplation, she decided to leave her dark hair loose, cascading down her shoulders in natural waves. a glance in the mirror confirmed that she looked presentable yet not overly done up. satisfied with her appearance, she stepped into a comfortable pair of flats, opting for practicality over towering heels.

her room was bathed in the soft glow of her desk lamp, casting a warm and inviting ambiance. hari took a deep breath, steeling herself for the evening ahead. she wasn't entirely sure what to expect at riki's party, but she was determined to face it with confidence.

hari was lost in her thoughts, contemplating the evening ahead, when a gentle knock on her bedroom door interrupted her reverie. she turned her attention to the door, her curiosity piqued.

"come in," she called, her voice carrying a touch of anticipation.

the door creaked open, revealing mihyeon's cheerful face. her friend's presence was a welcome distraction from hari's inner contemplations.

mihyeon entered the room with an air of excitement, her eyes scanning hari's chosen attire. "looking good, hari," she complimented, a playful grin on her face.

mihyeon's own outfit was a striking contrast to hari's. she wore a sleeveless, knee-length sundress with a vibrant floral print, the colors popping against her sun-kissed skin. her platinum blonde hair cascaded down her back in loose waves, framing her delicate features. the dress and her hair gave her a breezy, carefree aura.

hari couldn't help but smile in response to mihyeon's cheerful demeanor. "thanks," she replied, feeling a touch more at ease with her friend by her side. "i'm still not sure what to expect tonight."

mihyeon chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "well, expect the unexpected, i guess. it's riki's party, after all. who knows what surprises he has in store."

hari raised an eyebrow, her curiosity growing. "that's what worries me," she admitted. "but i suppose i won't know unless i go."

mihyeon nodded in agreement. "exactly. and remember, i'll be right there with you."

as they stood on the threshold of hari's room, ready to head to riki's party, hari couldn't help but offer a sincere compliment. she looked at mihyeon, her eyes filled with genuine appreciation.

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