Don't Go

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Anna was sitting on a bench outside in the hot summer air. She thought it would be cool if she could sew.... Elsa had gotten her a sewing basket that used to be her mothers.Olaf was sitting next to her watching and keeping her company. "What are you gonna make?" Asked the snowman. Anna thought for a second. "Hmm maybe a bag, those look easy to make" she replied. Olaf nodded. Anna reached into the basket and pulled out a large square of fabric. "Hmm lets see here" she said as she cut the fabric into two pieces. She reached into the basket for some thread and a needle. "Ouch, I think I found the needle,Olaf" Olaf giggled. Anna stared at the needle and thread she had just pulled out. "Now I need to get the string through the needle" she told the snow man. Anna took the end of the string and threaded it threw the needle. "Hm, that was easy" she said. "Yeah it was" replied Olaf. Anna wondered why it was to easy, whenever she was some one elsa try to do it they would miss the needle. Anna knotted the end and started her bag.
"Hey anna" Said her sister walking over to the bench Anna was sitting on. "Hey Elsa" she said smiling. Elsa took a deep breath, Anna had a feeling it could be bad news. "You know the ice harvest that's happening now?" Anna noticed that Elsa's eyes looked sad. "Yeah..." "Well, um the warm weather...uh..." Anna felt a bad feeling in her stomach. Elsa continued "some of the ice caved in, well a lot did actually and 26 out of the 50 ice harvesters died." A tear landed on Elsa's cheek. Anna felt as her whole world had just collapsed. "Wait! What??? no this can't have happened this can't" Anna started crying "Kristoff?!? Is is he okay?"
Elsa shook her head "I don't know, Anna, I'm sorry" Anna threw down her sewing supplies and stood up "the remaining ice harvesters will be home late tonight" Elsa said. Anna nodded "I'm gonna wait for him" she said "I'm gonna wait outside until he comes home". Elsa shook her head, she couldn't say no to her sister, "okay Anna, you can wait for him, but make sure you stay warm it gets cold at night." Anna nodded. "I'm gonna get some blankets" Anna started to walk inside "wait Anna" Elsa stopped her and gave her a tight hug Anna smiled weekly and went to get the blankets.
The warm summer air felt like the cool autumn air as the sun started setting. Anna sat in front of the place doors waiting. She had done the same thing a month ago waiting for Kristoff on the same spot. Yet this time she felt sad and worried that he would never come back. Anna cuddled up in her blanket tighter and tighter. She was getting cold but she made herself stay there. The door opened. Anna watched her sister walk out and down the three steps to were Anna was sitting. "I brought you extra blankets hot cocoa and some food" Elsa said putting the stuff down. "Thanks" Anna said trying to smile.
Elsa went back inside. Anna took a sip off her hot cocoa. She loved how it warmed her body. She placed the mug down and reached for the plate, on the plate was a few chocolate truffles and some chocolate cookies. Anna knew her sister picked those treats our for her and that they would make her feel a tiny bit better.
After finishing her snack Anna gazed up to the stars, she saw the constellations; Big Dipper, Little Dipper and Draco the dragon. Kristoff taught her those. Anna felt her eyes getting heavy. She tried to resist the sleep but it was no use. The princess drifted off to sleep.
A man with his reindeer pulled up minutes later to see his love sleeping on the steps of her castle. He gently scooped her up and carried her inside to her room. The man smiles and kissed her lips ever so softly. The princess's eyes fluttered open. "Kristoff your alive!" She exclaimed. The man nodded "yes I am" Anna say up and pressed her lips to his. Anna pulled away "Kristoff I can't believe Your ok". Kristoff giggled. "You need your sleep my princess" Anna nodded "and so do you. My prince." At those words Kristoff's far lit up. He grabbed Annas hand and pulled it closer to him. "Good night Anna" He said staring into her eyes "goodnight Kristoff"

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