It Stalks At Night

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"Now remember class, you have an October theme story project due by the end of the week. Make sure both you and your partner have your own draft copy of your story and a final copy to turn in for a grade. Be prepared for in class reading first thing Friday morning. I can't wait to hear what spooky and creepy imaginations you come up with, bye bye now." I hated group projects. I was more of a solo do-it-yourself kind of guy.

I leaned back in my seat and watched as the other twenty kids in my class shuffled out the door, chatting amongst themselves. I hate it. I hate school. I waited till everyone had made their way into hall before gathering everything from my desk and shoving it in my two-year-old worn-out backpack. "Mr. Leon?" I looked up from my desk. Mrs. Fishermoore sat all snuggly in her oversized cushioned chair, her large oval glasses on the verge of sliding off her long pointy nose. "Yes, Mrs. Fishermoore?" I mumbled as I finished putting the last of my things in my bag. Slipping the bags strap over my shoulder, I pushed my chair closer to the desk and approached her.

"It seems you're the only one that hasn't chosen a partner," she adjusted her glasses with one of the many bony fingers of her hand. "I don't do well in groups, ma'am." I scratched the back of my head and looked everywhere but at her. I could feel her eyes burning into my skull. Eventually I gave up and faced her. "You need to choose someone, Mr. Leon." I gritted my teeth and tightened my grip on the strap of my bag. I hated this school. I hate this teacher. "I think everyone has already paired up, there's no one left to choose." Her eyes shifted behind me. I felt confused, turning around I noticed a boy in a black hoodie sitting in the very back row against the windows.

I didn't even notice the kid was there. "Mr. Quinn, will you come up here please," Mrs. Fishermoore motioned for the boy to come forward. He pushed his chair back abruptly, the legs scratched along the stained tiled floor. I had to tilt my head back just to get a good look at his face. He towered over me like a giant. What was a kid this big doing in eighth grade? "Mr. Quinn, you and Mr. Leon will be partners for this upcoming project." He just stood there like a statue. "Um, hi? I'm Devyn. I look forward to working with you." I held out my hand, hoping he'd shake it so I could finally get this mess over with and go home.

He turned his head to the side; his long shaggy black hair hid his eyes from view. Slowly he slid his hand from the pocket on the front of his hoodie and grasped mine tightly. Any tighter and my hand would snap off. I gritted my teeth, trying to ignore the pain radiating from his tight grip of hand. I could feel the bones start to crack a little. "Well, then. I look forward to hearing what you come up with boys. Run along now." I couldn't wait to get out of here. Yanking my hand from his grasp, I made a beeline for the door and power walked down the hall. That dude is weird.

Once I got past the Welcome to Terrorwood High sign, I knew I was home free. Bye bye school, at least for today. Four days. I had four days to get this project finished. I was not going to ask mister creepy hoodie dude for help either. "Devyn! Hey! Dev!" I slowed my pace, looking in all directions for the person calling my name. "Jesus! You walk fast!" I smiled when I noticed it was my best friend and neighbor, Allyson. Her box dyed purple hair glistened under the sun's rays. She adjusted the lop-sided silver studded belt dangling halfway off her waist till it was where she wanted it. "Nice hair, looks good on you." She applied a light coat of lip gloss over her dark, purple-colored lips and smiled, " Thanks! It's my favorite color."

"You headed home? ," she asked as she walked alongside me, packing her heavy-duty army supply backpack on her back. "Yeah, I got to get started on my class assignment, what about you?" She grinned from ear to ear, mischief sparkled in those dark hazel eyes of hers. "Uh-oh. I know that look, what kind of crazy adventure do you have planned this time?" Allyson waggled her brows and giggled. She adjusted her grip on her backpack, " well in the spirit of Halloween—-" I snorted, " Ally, it's only October 27th." She lifted a black polished finger to her lips telling me to hush it. "Like I said, in the spirit of the wonderful holiday known as Halloween, I figured maybe you could sneak out later and meet me at the ole abandoned hunting shack near the river."

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