Prolog: Falling Stars

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Hinata has always been my favourite character. I see a lot of myself in her. Maybe that's why I love and admire her so much. There are a lot of OP Naruto stories out there, it's time for the Hyuuga Princess to kick ass and take names.


The night Hinata Hyuuga's life would change forever started with a beautiful meteor shower

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The night Hinata Hyuuga's life would change forever started with a beautiful meteor shower.

One Kohanagakura hadn't seen in a good 100 years.

Enchanted Hinata watched from her window seat the shooting stars racing against each other in the night sky with a brilliant full moon taken vigil over them.

It was so calm and serene. For a moment all life problems seemed to vanish.

Her role as heir being treated.

Her father's aloofness towards her.

The elders of the clan with their hurtful words.

Neji-Niisan hate filled gaze.

And Hanabi's looks of pity.


For a moment she could all forget this as she watched this miracle of nature.

Are you watching the stars too, Naruto-Kun?, she thought with a sign. Are you amazed by them too...or are you feeling alone?

It wasn't the first time nor would it be the last time Hinata cursed herself for her shyness.

She was 12 years old, the graduation from the Academy was a year away and she still couldn't manage to utter a single word to the boy who had saved her.

The boy that brightened her day only with his smile.

The boy who had her heart, even if he didn't know.

Some Ninja to be she was.

Another sign escaped her lips and she turned her attention back to the shooting stars.

Her late mother, Kami bless her soul, told her if she wished upon a shooting star, the wish would come true.

Father would chest her for believing in such fairytales, but anything that came from her mother was precious to Hinata.

She missed her any day with a burning passion.

So she closed her eyes, like her mother told her, and thought about a wish.

What was a good wish?

Of course, it would be nice if Naruto-Kun would fall for me...but I want his love because he likes me and not because of a wish...maybe...just...I just want to find my place in the world. I want to feel I'm useful and belong somewhere.

Yes, this was a nice wish.

Hinata put her hands in a prayer position, still, eyes closed, and sent her wish to the shooting stars.

She imaged how her wish reached one star. The star twinkled, taking her wish and carrying it away to be fulfilled.

It was a comforting thought.

Slowly she opened her eyes.

Only to have them wide comical as she saw what was happening.

I'm imagining things or is a star falling down in my direction?!

The young girl couldn't even scream as the twinkling orb smashed through her window and then knocked her over. With a hard thud, she landed on her bedroom floor and was knocked out cold.

She didn't see how the orb was sitting on her stomach changing forms.

It stretched and expanded, till it took the form of a little anthropomorphic wolf.

Its fur was white like snow and its eyes the colour of gold. A little red bandana with a yellow star it wore on its neck, and also some gold, orange, and red bracelets.

The wolf blinked a few times, then floated over to Hinata's head. It was a bit taller than her head.

"Ups didn't mean to knock ya out!", it said in a feminine voice and winced as she saw how more glass of the broken window fell down. "And didn't mean to break your window, hehe."

Of course no anwer came from Hinata.

"Meh, better fix the window and look for any curious human who might want to check out what happened here."

But first, she put the human girl on her bed with a wet rug over the bump Hinata was forming.

Yeah, Shiranui, the name of the little wolf, had imaged meeting HER also in a different way.

Well, beggars can be choosers.

Shiranui is inspired by Shiranui from the amazing game Okami

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Shiranui is inspired by Shiranui from the amazing game Okami. :D 

Play it, it's amazing <3

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