After Graduation

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After graduation from high school, I thought that we would hang out all the time, but that didn't happen.

Everyone went on with their own lives.

Courtney was upset with me because I decided to not go to that college after all. I had made a different choice in order to be close to my grandmother. I never really heard from Courtney much after graduation.

Isabella went off to a different college and made a life for herself elsewhere. I really only heard from her once in a while.

Gabby and I hung out a lot after graduation. Gabby didn't attend college and became an even closer friend.

Katy was sent to another city by her parents to eventually attend college but to keep out of trouble. 

Amber went off to my dream college and stayed in the dorms. She communicated once in a while with me, but was always so busy joining clubs and making new friends.

I got that everyone had their new lives and I was happy for them. I got that they had to make a life for themselves, I just began to feel left behind..


I found out I was pregnant with my first child a year after I had graduated high school. I was so scared. My child's father was a guy I knew from high school. He was a grade higher than me. He was smart and cool. A skater. He was perfect and I had had a crush on him since middle school. Right away he chose to not be involved in my child's life and eventually enlisted in the Navy. I was alone, pregnant, and scared. When I finally decided to announce on facebook that I was pregnant, I automatically had almost all my friends back. Everyone wanted to know who I was pregnant from and when I was going to have a baby shower and I was excited because maybe I wasn't as alone as I thought I was.

I had a pretty easy pregnancy. During my pregnancy, I lost my grandmother. It was a difficult time and I got numerous responses on Facebook about how sorry everyone was and people giving their condolences. I always had people to talk to and I was always getting texts and messages. I felt like I had tons of friends again that were always asking about my pregnancy and how I was. 

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