God given form

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Reality twisted as the thread of fate broke. Destiny destroyed, crushed, and disposed. Marlye watched the blanket of reality enveloping the world beyond it as it crumbled and destroyed itself.

The scythes and wraiths of the mad ruler Agrona breached the dragon's occupation of Dicathen. The dragons meanwhile scurried into hiding, while their own mad ruler, Kezess, ruined the world around them.

There was nothing Marlye could do about the destruction; he was powerless in his current form as a mere observer of reality. If only he had a body that would allow him to walk among the mortal, he could fix the idiocy of mortals.

A small glimmer around him caught his attention, it was subtle, but he noticed it none the less. A small figure with wheat blonde hair and golden eyes emerged from the glimmer of light, two onyx horns jutting out of her head.

Marlye turned to observe the small girl with little interest, but as soon as he recognized her his mood shifted.

Sylvie Leywin, the daughter of Agrona Vritra and Sylvia Indrath, the granddaughter of Kezess indrath. A young half dragon and half Vritra, the sole heir to Kezess, brought up by a human child adult named Arthur Leywin or Grey.

"Why have you come here?" Marlye asked, not an ounce of hesitation in his otherworldly voice.

Sylvie looked around confused, she clearly hadn't meant to come to Marlye. "Where..." was the only word, she could muster before her golden eyes laid upon Marlye's figure. Sylvie visibly paled at the sight, for Marlye had never been seen by others and to this end his appearance could not be comprehended easily by mortal minds.

Marlye looked away from Sylvie, instead focusing on the tapestry of needle like threads that created fate and the woven blanket of reality. He considered his words for a moment, letting the half breed come to her senses. "Speak if you have the desire needed to make that which you wish reality."

"Save him, please... he has suffered enough." Sylvie pleaded. She had spent most of her life fighting and living alongside Arthur, her father, she wished for him to live the life he never had the chance to live.

Without turning to look back at her Marlye answered, "are you certain you wish to go down this path, there is no turning back once this reality is woven."

"Please, I can't let him go... not again. I want my father to truly be happy." Sylvie answered through tears and sobs.

Marlye turned back to face Sylvie who was kneeling on the metaphorical ground of the realm he inhabited. "A prize must be paid for such drastic actions to be made true."

"Anything, please take anything you need." Sylvie answered without hesitation.

Marlye lifted his gaze, the different colours of his realm flashing and booming without stop. Everything he had built through an eternity was destroyed in a matter of seconds, like it never even existed. His gaze fell, and he met Sylvie's golden eyes.

Surrounded by nothing but darkness two beings who did not exist anymore stared at each other, not a word was spoken. What was the prize for reality itself to be rewritten? A soul, a life, and the complete understanding of fate itself.

"You have come a long way child. A prize paid is a promise made." Marlye said, his ethereal voice booming through the eternal darkness.

Sylvie's tears dropped from her cheeks to the darkness below her, from those tears an ocean formed. Her hands slowly turning to dust, and so sand came to be. Next fell her horns, and mountains sprung. Her legs dissolved and created the land and soil. Then her torso solidified and created the bedrock. Lastly her heart, still beating and filled with life, formed the core of the planet.

Dream now child, for you have earnt it. Sleep well and long in the arms of your loved ones.

Marlye felt his appearance change. Wheat blonde shoulder length hair overtook his metaphorical head, yet no horns sprouted along them. Golden eyes bloomed from the once empty eye sockets. Milky pale skin covered the tapestry of interwoven thread that had once been his body, and onyx garments covered his torso and legs, leaving only his shoulders and arms visible. Liquid formed a snake that coiled around his left arm, while a dragon coiled his right arm.

Truly it was a form worthy of a god.


This is an intro to a fanfic that hopefully won't drag out for too long. This will be in a different perspective compared to the original "The beginning after the end", so please keep it in mind if you choose to continue reading.

I haven't got a schedule because of school and work, but I'll try my best on uploading these once in a while.

Thanks for reading and see you soon.

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