The Yearly Feast

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One day in one week of one month of every year, all the families in the neighborhood community dressed in their best clothes , styled their hair to fit the newest trend , and waited patiently to be honored to receive a invite to the yearly feast that was held by the most respected and wealthiest family in town. Food production had become slow, and jobs began shutting down within the town. Each year someone was chosen amongst the families within the neighborhoods to be a guest at the PineHollow mansion. The families of the chosen were rewarded with a year supply of various foods and enough money to keep them afloat till the next feast.

No one knows what happens to those that are chosen. The families within the community never speak of them again once they leave for PineHollow. Not once have I ever seen anyone mourn those that do not return. "Danielle, stop dilly dallying and go get dressed." I slammed my head back against the cushioned headboard and lowered my book into my lap. "I've already participated literally half of my life and I just got back from working out of town. Can't I just pass this up just for one year?" I rubbed my eyes and groaned," besides you have Delilah and Dolly. I'm sure one of them will be picked. I heard Miss Johnson talk about some adoptive son or something that will be personally handing out invitations this year. So, they will definitely get a chance this time."

My mother put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips. "Every member of every family in the neighborhoods must participate. Because you weren't here last year, they never came to our home." She snorted and walked over to the window," because of you we had to go a whole year, barely able to survive." I smacked my lips. Rolling my shoulders and stretching my arms above my head I scoffed," Because of me? You mean the one that's been working their ass off to provide for the family? Yeah, because of me you were able to afford ingredients to cook an actual real decent family dinner for once this week." My mother whipped her head so fast her tightly hair sprayed, and bobby-pinned high bun came loose a little.

She opened her mouth to say something then quickly closed it shut. With one last evil glare my way, my mother stomped out of my room like a tantrum throwing toddler. I sighed and rolled onto my side. I eyed the midnight black satin dress that hung above my closet door mirror. I had hoped that coming home would be different. Maybe I should have just taken my boss' offer of overtime, instead I chose to take a weeklong vacation till visit family. How splendid. "Girls! It's almost time, start prepping!" my mother shouted down the hall. I could my sisters shuffling bout in their rooms through my walls.

I rolled my eyes and lifted myself off the bed, taking my precious time getting to the closet. I stood in-front of the mirror and stared at my reflection as my mother braided my hair and pulled it up into a tight neat bun. "Please be on your best behavior, Danielle." I rolled my eyes. I could see her eyes glaring at me through the reflection, "it be a shame if you got punishment for breaking the tradition, so be a good girl for mommy." I kept silent. I waited for her to leave the room before releasing a breath of relief. Please do not choose me.

I met with my sisters in the living room. Delilah fiddled about with the neckline of her silky long flowing baby blue dress, " Mother, does this neckline look to too loose?" Dolly twirled about admiring the various jewels that lined her puffy dress sleeves. I took my spot next to Dolly and straightened my back, rolling my shoulders back so I wouldn't slouch. No need to anger mother any more than I have. My father stood in front of us in the dark blue tuxedo he wore at Dolly's high school graduation last year. Mother took her spot beside her husband; she had chosen to wear a dark red lace dress. A single knock came from the other side of the door. I could see Dolly and Delilah trembling with excitement.

My father cleared his throat, he turned the knob and knelt on both knees. He held his hands in a crossed position against his throat and closed his eyes, "We honor thee for blessing us with your presence. May you forever live a long and healthy life." He bowed his head and waited for confirmation. Just like miss Johnson had said, this year, the family had sent their son instead of a selected servant. "We are humbled by your honorable dedication. May you and your family find happiness in the afterlife."

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