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Hey cupcakes !!!

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Hey cupcakes !!!

Today's view

🍂it's the connection we can't explain🍂

°°Let's start °°


Veer's pov


I observed her awakening and, as I suspected, she was extremely shocked to find herself sleeping on my lap, so close to me. Although her eyes were fixed on my face, her mind was racing to discern whether this was reality or not.

'Fuck bunny don't look at me like that I will not be able to control myself'

And why not? She looks so cute with that shocked expression on her face. Her doe eyes widened in shock, those parted lip looking so plumping that I wanted to kiss her right way.

[A/n: "Ah, someone seems desperate," I observe with a teasing smile.

V: Rolling my eyes, I retort, "Back off, A/n. Don't ruin this for me."

A/n: "Oh, what's the matter? Now, watch what I'll do."]

Our intense staring was once again disrupted by a knock. Who on earth could it be now?

I'm certain this is your doing, A/n.

[The author, flipping her hair in the background: "Remember, Veer dear, I'm the one scripting these moments."]

Startled by the sudden sound, she snapped back to reality. As she attempted to get down, my grip tightened, and I called for the person to come in.

One of my employees entered with files in hand, and Ishani hid her face in my chest. I couldn't help but smile at her adorable action.

However, I noticed this employee staring at her as if she were an alien. It's not surprising since I've never permitted any woman to be so close to me, and there she was, sitting on my lap. Nevertheless, I could feel her shifting uncomfortably under his gaze, which made me angry.

"You can go," I said in a deep, dangerous voice, scaring both of them. He ran away, and I held Ishani tightly by her waist. "It's okay, you don't have to be scared," I assured her, and she simply nodded.

"Can I... can I sit there?" Her voice emerged as a mere whisper.

"No," I replied, and she pouted. Oh, how I yearned to kiss those pouts. Even at breakfast today, she looked incredibly cute while eating. Control yourself, Veer, just control yourself until you confess. To her, you're still the same grumpy Veer who doesn't even want to talk to her, and now you're acting like a couple—this must be what she's thinking. So, for now, just control.

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