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A/n: alright, I'll upload my nagisagi book soon, promise!!🫶 (Like an hour or so after I post his chapter lmfao.)

Anyways, I got a bit sick this week, so I haven't had motivation sorry 😭..






As Isagi and Rin arrived back at their cabin...they were greeted with Reo being awake, Reo's expression turned into a confused one, seeing both Rin and Isagi together, though he dismissed his feelings

"Good Morning." Reo smiled.

"Morning." Both Isagi and Reo replied back, Isagi hopped back onto his top bunk while Rin returned to his bottom bunk.

Isagi gazed over to where Hyo was sleeping ...until realising Hyo wasn't even there. Isagi looked back at Reo.

"Reo where's Hyo?" Isagi questioned curiously.

"Oh, he's here." Reo said as he pointed to Hyo asleep comfortably next to Reo.

"Ah, I see." Isagi nodded and said nothing else about the matter and laid himself back down on his bed.

A few hours had passed, and now it was time to go back out to the field to see what their classes would be competing in next. This time, it was something that would be quite competitive, soccer.

"Oh wow! Isagi we finally get to play soccer together!" Bachira exclaimed as he bounced up and down using Isagi's shoulders for support.

"Yeah, we do." Isagi said with a relaxed smile present on his face.

Rin on the other hand seemed to have something on his mind...his eyes set on his brother on the opposing team who didn't seem to be paying any attention to their team at all.

"Well... who's goalie?" Chigiri asked as he looked throughout their team.

"Paper, scissors, rock?" Hyo suggested with a shrug, they all nodded in agreement.

And yet...Rin lost.

"PFFTT..." Bachira wheezed trying to make it silent but failing miserably.

Rin clutched his hand tightly making a fist as he glared at his own hand....before sighing.

"It's fine, we can do a rotation." Reo suggested to hopefully keep Rin out of a bad mood.

"Is that even allowed?" Isagi asked curiously.

"They never said anything about rules." Bachira exclaimed.

Isagi just looked at the duo uncertain before shrugging it off and walking over to his position... Isagi's gaze was set onto Kaiser before noticing a pink haired beside him...has he always been there? Isagi never noticed him.

Bachira was allowed to start off first, with a wide grin he dribbled the ball through the field, his movements swift so he made dodging look easy.

Noticing Sae on his right side he quickly kicked it up and to Nagi who was a bit behind him, but Bachira knew Nagi would get to the ball in time.

"What a hassle." Nagi sighed softly as he jumped up and used the heel of his foot to catch the ball and kick it to Chigiri just a few feet away from him.

Chigiri took the ball with ease as he quickly picked up speed, blitzing past the opposing team members, his speed was making it quite impossible to intercept the ball from Chigiri, and to the person who was goalie, had failed their job right away.

"Having fun?" Bachira teased Rin with a smile.

Rin just shot a glare at him while Bachira laughed running away from their goal to congratulate Chigiri for scoring their first point.

"Hey, Kurona." Isagi said as he walked up to Kurona, Kurona hummed as he turned to face Isagi.

"That pink haired, you know him?" Isagi asked pointing to the pink haired desperately talking to Kaiser.

"Ah...I think his name was Ness?" Kurona shrugged tilting his head to the side before sighing softly.

"I'm not sure, sorry Isagi." Kaiser said.

"It's fine, nothing serious Kurona." Isagi smiled reassuringly before returning back to the start position.

This time...people were guarding Chigiri, such as Sae. Clearly cautious of his speed. Meanwhile Chigiri didn't look all that bothered despite the need to feel free and not clumped up with people.

Haven, who had the ball was running down to the opposite end, only to be met with Reo quickly digging the ball up into the air and kicking it down to Nagi who easily jumped up to reach it.

"Thanks." Reo said as he quickly ran down the field to assist Nagi...though Haven only narrowed her eyes in annoyance as she watched Reo run off.

Kaiser, who was prepared for this sort of scenario and was about to steal the ball, instead Nagi just flicked the ball behind him, not much power in his kick.

But just enough to reach Isagi who came up behind him and managed to compete with the ball with an opposing team member caught on to what they were doing and went head to head with Isagi.

Rin was getting more annoyed, having to stay in the goalie, having to listen to Bachira talk nonstop.








A/n: I'm not actually entirely sure if I'm going to add Kaiser into the harem but since so many people want him in, I might...but if I do, I'm not adding him in straight away, so sorry 😭🙏.

Anyways hope you all are excited for my Nagisagi book!@?##(#! It'll come soon don't worry 😋.

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