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You can not be in love with two people at the same time. You can have love for many people or all people even, but u can only be in love with one at any givin moment. Love is strange and powerfull and very dangerous some say over there life they have been in love with multiple différent people of course never at the same time. Its also been said that they have been in love with the same person more then once. I beleive true love is unbreakable. Its a bond that goes beyound time, beyound even our own understanding of reality. Power so great it is in our own creation. It is what GOD used to create us and everything you see  around us. I beleive true love only happens once. Because once that power, that unbreakable force that pulls two souls together there is no power in our uniaverse or any other uniaverse that can break it or defeat it. For it is GOD himself.
BY Christopher

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