Chapter One

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This is my first story! Tell me what you think! Criticism is welcome as long as it is constructive!! I'm jumping from character to character just to give you a taste for their personalities so I apologize if it gets confusing! Haha ok I'm gonna go ahead and start now....

xx Julia ❤



"DANI! STOP! DA-" The only thing I can hear is the screeching of the tires. I lost control of the wheel...I could hear my heart beat as time slowed. The edge of the woods are approaching. There was nothing I could do as the car crashed into the trees.

I awake my heart pounding in my chest, my breathing is ragged and quick. I throw the covers off of me and try to calm myself down,"There is nothing you can do." I say, tears trickling down my cheek.

I slowly get off the bed, trying not to wake my sister. I head to our bathroom to splash cold water on my face. I look into the mirror and see all of my imperfections in an hair is way too long and in need of a trim, my body too fat and my eyes...ugh the color of the London sky. I throw my hair into a messy bun and check the contents of my makeup bag. "No mascara left in there and the concealer is all out," my sister called form the door frame. "Good morning Lauren." I call with a smile. "Ugh what's so good about it Dani? And why are you getting all dolled up anyway?" She asked suspiciously. "I have another job interview today,". I state with a sigh. "GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM RIGHT NOW!!! I HAVE TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL!!" Lauren hollers all of a sudden. "Goodness Lauren, you little brat, calm the tits ok?!" I say with a laugh.


Thirty minutes later I stand in front of a building named Nandos it has a 'Now Hiring' sign in the tinted window. "Here goes nothing" I mumble as I enter the the restaurant.

I the manager -Mrs. Janice, it said on her name tag- seems to be in her late 50s. She has a full head of gray hair, warm honey colored eyes, and a kind smile. "Hello, love, welcome to Nandos!" She says. "Hi. I'm here for a job interview?" I say more of a question than a statement. "Oh, of course, come with me. I'm Mrs. Janice."

She leads me to a back room and starts the questioning:

Name? "Dani Nicole Swain"

Age? "19"

Education? "10th grade..."

Mrs. Janice looks at me with worried eyes "You have to be a high school graduate to work here....I'm sorry but we can't hire you here." She says.

"Please I had to drop out... My sister and I live alone in a one bedroom apartment and we have to share everything, finding food is a struggle, my dad decided to vanish when I was 10, I just... I need this job" I plead with tears in my eyes. "What about your mom?" She questions. "She...she...she's not here right now" "We'll have to keep this between our selves ok? No one can know." She says a slow smile appearing on each of our faces.


Once I'm in my uniform (a white button up shirt, red pants, and a black apron with 'Nandos' written on it) I head out of the bathroom to my first customer.

"Hello and welcome to Nandos! Can I go ahead and start you off with an appetizer?" I say with I small smile. I finally got a job! I try to concentrate on my note pad and write down his order but he's not saying anything. I look up and see bright blue eyes staring at me, his blond hair is tosseled, he has a slight smile on his face as he says"Hey. I'm Niall"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2013 ⏰

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