𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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I woke up to my brother, lando, knocking on my door.
"come in" I mumbled, sitting up in my bed.
"so how are you feeling? are you exited for your first ever race well qali as a formula one driver?" he said, clearly exited, more than I was at least. being a formula one driver like my brother was always my dream but I was so nervous. what if people don't like me? what if I do bad? what if-
"sorry, got lost in thought, when are we leaving again?"
"soon so hurry up" lando then got up and left, closing my door behind him. now, what to wear? I stood up and walked over to my dresser, I grabed a simple black pair of cargos and a plain white shirt, simple enough.
I got changed and put on my favourite white converse. I grabed my phone, jumper, and some other things before stuffing them in my pocket and going to meet lan downstairs.
lando was stood by the door, without looking up from his phone, he asked "you ready to go?"
"as ready as I'll ever be" I replied. walking over to him, grabbing the keys out of his hand and walking out the door as he followed behind.
"you can drive, just please don't kill me"
"calm down lando" I rolled my eyes before getting into the car.
         **time skip bc I'm lasy asf**
as we entered the paddock cameras where everywhere. after we made out way through the swarm of people, I saw to figures, stood wating for us, as we got closer I saw logan, beside him, Oscar piastri. my brothers best friend.
"logan! how are you?" I said, a huge smile plasterd across my face.
"Alex!! I'm so happy to see you, how are you feeling?" he said back to me.
I spoke with logan for a few minutes before turning to Oscar
"hey oscar" I said putting my arms out for a hug
"norris #2!, I'm great, how's my favourite alpine driver?" he said, wrapping his arms arround me before letting go again a few seconds later.
"nervous. very, very nervous" I laughed and smiled at him.
"look, me and lando have to go, but you'll do great" he said smiling at me before walking  away. oh god, that smile. I felt a small blush creep up onto my cheeks, watching him walk away.
"what's that about?" logan turned to me, smirking
"what? what are you taking about logan?"
"your secrets safe with me don't worry" logan replyed, before walking me to the alpine garage.
     **another time skip bc I'm lazy**
as I was getting ready in my driver room my phone buzzed, it was a text, from Oscar.

Oscar: good luck, you'll do great today, I belive in you 💗

a heart? he never sent hearts, mostly becuse if lando ever found out, he'd k¡ll him. I assumed it was just him trying to be nice. I replyed-

alexa: thank you Oscar. good luck 🧡

-before turning of my phone and going out to the garage, I got into the car and all of a sudden all my nerves went away, remembering practice yesterday and how well I did. I could do this.
         **another time skip 💀😭**

      **after quali (qualified 5th)**

I got out of my car to see lando already in my garage waiting for me
"you did amazing Al, so proud of you" he said, pulling me Into a hug
"i knew you could do it"
I heard a voice from behind me and lando let me go. I turned around,. it was Oscar
"thank you Oscar" I said giving him a small hug before going off to an interview.

brothers best friend || Oscar piastri x Alexa norris ||Where stories live. Discover now