Surprise! (1/2)

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Author's Pov:

The weekends were near. Like every time they all were happy for it, but this time a little too happy! Guess why?
Okay... You'll know that soon...

Right now, Y/n and her friends were sitting inside the classroom, while their lectures were going on... Everyone was attentive including Y/n, when she suddenly felt someone nudged her arm slightly. But it made her flinch anyway!
"Yah! You scared me Dahyun-ah!"
"Hehe! Hey I wanted to ask you that, let's go for shopping today after the school!"
"Seriously! At this time, you wanted to say this!? But why though. Anything special?"
"Aish! How can you forget! It's your birthday tomorrow!" She squealed in happiness, but soon went silent seeing her besties blank face.
"Yah! Seriously Y/n!? Show some excitement. It's your birthday babe!"
"So what! It comes every year... What's so special about this day!?"
"Yah! I was so excited to go shoping with you but you just ruined my mood!" She pouted making me chuckle slightly. She glared at me.
"Yah! Let's go for shoping, okay!?"
She was happy in a second. Aish!
Then we continued our classes

Time skip.
After School.

Right now we came at the shopping mall for getting me my dress. It was my first time to go on shopping here and that too with someone. I was now regretting my words when I said I'm not excited. And guess what!? I'm too much excited now.
Dahyun went away to park her car and said me to go inside and till she comes find some good dress I want. She'll come after a few minutes.
I agreed and went inside.
Wah! The mall's interior was even bigger than my dreams and brighter than my future!

My eyes immediately started roaming around the mall and soon they stopped on a shop.
it reads out!
Wah! My favorite!
I quickly went inside it and started looking for the dress I want.

I found dress that was pretty. I took it off the stand and attached it to my body to look how it looks on my body. Wow, so pretty and perfect. What's the price though...
Wow, the price is also so pretty perfect!

I kept staring at the dress on my body in the mirror with a pout!
Only one damn dress in the whole store I liked, but that's also expensive! What else could you expect in a DIOR store for God's sake!?

"That looks so nice on you! Take it!" I heard a voice behind me. I looked who is it from the mirror.

"Namjoon! What are you doing here!?"
"Nothing... I came here with some friends but I saw you here so just came casually..."
"Oh... That's nice!"
"Yeah... Anyway I was saying, why don't you just buy this dress if you like it this much!?"
"Oh I wish I could... But I can't. It's expensive to me!"
"Is that so? So, would you let me buy it for you?"
"No way! How can I take this from you!? Let it be... I'll buy something else. Well, thanks fo-"
"You liked this dress right so let me buy it for you! Take it as a gift from me!"
Before I could say any further he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the billing counter.

"We would like to buy this dress!"
"Sure sir!... $4500/- on discount, sir!"
The receptionist said after adding the info in her computer.
"Namjoon, please there's no need for this!"
"Oh come on Y/N! You're my friend. And take this as my first friendship gift. Okay, now agree or else I'll be mad!"

Boy! You left me no chance! He paid for the dress and handed me the bag. He smiled and patted my head and left the store.
He didn't just left the store but also he left me dumbfounded. What on the earth did just happened? Why did it happened?

"Hey, sorry I was- wait! You already bought the dress!? Atleast you could have waited for me right!"
I came back to my senses.
"Yah! Dahyun where were you? Just to park the car it took you millions of hours?"
"Chill babe! I had a fight with an uncle there... For the parking... Leave that, tell me why you bought the dress already!?"
"I didn't bought it... It was bought for me!"
"Wait, what? Who the hell bought it for you then!?"
"What, Namjoon!? When did he came here? Where is he now?Why did he bought this for you!?"
"Calm down first! He came here randomly and saw me here and came to me. He saw that I liked this dress so he just directly bought it for me... He paid for this!"
"Woah Girl! Seems like he likes you. That's why he bought this expensive dress for you!"
"What!? He, like and me!? Are you crazy!?"
"Girl think practically... Why would he do that if he didn't liked you..."
I went silent on this statement. She had some point! But this can't be true also... Who knows... But it felt something really different after listening this...

Soon we did our shoppings and left the mall...

-To be continued



So hope you all liked it. I don't know how much but still hoping for better. I know I haven't updated in a while... Many of you were waiting for them... But I was really busy recently. I'm really sorry.

Now I ensure you that I'll try to keep an update every weekend for you all.

And please do not hate my work or me for being late in updates and also... I'm saying sorry in advance if I do this again in future... I'll try to give you all a note before hand if I'm going to post anything late or even not... 🥀

And thank you so much for showing you love for this story. I hope you're reading my other stories too and loving them equally. 😌🙏💜

So see you all in next chapter.

Stay tuned. Till then



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