How It All Began

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A girl named Stacey Brown found her true lover in high school.Her lover was named Michael Davidson.Her parents never really liked Michael because she lived in Glamour Height and he lived in Coast Town. It took them 3 hours to see each other.Michael found out some news about his hometown and it wasn't good news. He knew something suspicious was going on in Glamour Heights but he didn't know what it was. Stacey's father was a doctor at Glamour Heights hospital.Glamour Heights had rumors that Coast Town had a disease called ebola.3 months later everyone was evacuated out of Coast Town.Michael knew something was really up when everyone was evacuated from Coast Town.He didn't think that it was a disease going around.2 months later Stacey realized that Michael hasn't been responding to her text messages or answering his phone.So a month later Stacey found someone else to hang out with his name was Connor Johnson soon they became girlfriend and boyfriend Stacey parents really liked Connor because he was from Glamour Heights.2 years later Connor and Stacey had many dates until one day.Connor and Stacey went to Hawaii for their anniversary trip. Then Connor said"Stacey I have something I want to tell you."Stacey said"What do you want to tell my dear."Connor got down on one knee and said"Stacey will you marry me"Stacey bursts into tears an said "yes Connor".2 years after that something strange happened.You would never believe,Michael came back to Stacey,but she thought she was imagining but she really wasn't.Michael had to tell Stacey something but it wasn't good he had to tell her.He had to find somewhere to stay where he won't get suspected.Remember he can't get caught or he will have serious consequences.So he asked Stacey for advice and told her he loved her and tried to explain to her why he didn't answer her text messages and phone calls.he said"Stacey I have missed you all these 2 years I haven't seen you.I love you Stacey I have been in love with you the first time I laid eyes on you.You were my first love and I will always love you."she replied saying"I love you to Michael I have always loved to you.But I'm sorry I'm already in love with somebody else.And I'm getting married.Where were you all these years anyways?"Michael said"Oh wow sorry I came up to you like this.Everybody from Coast Town was evacuated but I think it has to do something with Glamour Heights.Maybe I should go before your fiancé gets back."Maybe you should do that.I'm so sorry Michael,be safe and let's meet at the river at 5pm like old times.Michael responses as"Just like the old times.Sure!"The next day Connor felt weird about Stacey

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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